
Centre for Nehru Studies

Centre for Nehru Studies

The centre for Nehru Studies was established on 27 July, 2000 under the  UGC scheme of Epoch-making social thinkers of India. Its objective has been to provide teaching and research inputs on Nehruvian Studies.The emphasis of the Centre is to critically study Nehru's ideas, their application and impact on Indian and world socio-political developments. Keeping this in mind, the centre is committed to evolving into a nodal point for research on the processes that have led to major changes in the polity, economy, society and culture of contemporary India. It encourages inter-disciplinary research among the faculty members and research scholars. By organizing National Seminars, Orientation Courses on Nehru for AMU students, publication of books and journal, it aims to help build a spirit of scientific enquiry, a democratic spirit and secular values within the university community.