
Centre of continuing and Adult Education and Extention

Centre of continuing and Adult Education and Extention


The Centre of Continuing & Adult Education and Extension (CCAEE) came into existence on 6 December 1976. As defined by the words ‘Continuing and Adult Education and Extension Centre takes into consideration various government  schemes such as Adult Literacy, National Literacy Mission (NLM) (1988-2009), Jan Shikshan Nilayams Sakshar Bharat (2009-2017), Scheme of Support to Voluntary Agencies for Adult Education and Skill Development, and most recently the Padhna Likhna Abhiyaan (2018 onwards) etc. initiated by the government of  India for the  educational, social & cultural upliftment of the  underprivileged section of the society.

Keeping in view the needs of prioritized groups of non-literate adults from weaker sections of society, the activities of the Centre are focused on the following areas in accordance with the UGC Guidelines such as

  • Continuing Education

  • Integration of Formal & Non-formal Education

  • Developing sensitivity and a positive responsible attitude in stakeholders namely teachers and students towards community needs by devising and applying different strategies in the field of  Extension Education through outreach programmes

  • Attending to and raising awareness about major national developmental issues like, Literacy, Health & Hygiene, Gender Equity, Family Life Education, Population Education, AIDS, Human Rights Education, Child Labour, Income Generation, Communal Harmony etc.

  • Other General Awareness Programmes such as Legal Literacy and Fundamental Information Technology, and Integration of Technology in Education etc.

  • Vision

    To make the society more equitable by promoting Lifelong Learning among the underprivileged sections through continuing education and integration between formal and non-formal education.


    To sensitize people about the challenges faced by socio-economically deprived groups through extension work and outreach programs with an aim to promote gender equality, legal literacy and communal harmony with special emphasis on income generation and other empowerment programs.

  • Documentation
  • Annual Report: The Centre documents  its programmes and events  every year. 
  • publication

Annual Report (2015-16)

Background: Adult Literacy Programmes

Traditionally universities are supposed to perform the role of propagation of Knowledge (Teaching) and addition to Knowledge (Research), of which the benefits, by and large, remain within the campuses or the higher strata of society.  The problems of society (like illiteracy, un-employment, poor status of ill health, etc.) have to be tackled through a multi-pronged approach.  The present education system needs to address such issues by especially devised means. To achieve this objective, the UGC in late1970s, initiated an Extension Programme. This was further strengthened by treating Extension as the IIIrd Dimension of Education through the National Policy on Education, 1986 and 1988.  The philosophy behind this was to assign the task of social change to the institutes of higher learning, through mobilizing teachers and students.  Education is considered to be an instrument to bring about positive social changes. Through Extension activities, we have a fair chance of meeting our obligations to those who are marginalized, under-privileged with a poor quality of life.


With the above end in view, the Centres /Departments of Continuing & Adult Education and Extension, (CCAEE) were established in a few Universities by the UGC in mid 1970s, considering institutes of higher learning as the instruments of social change.

It may be worth mentioning that CCAEE may not be equated with other departments of the University, as its nature of work is entirely different in content and programmes. To this end, Centres of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension have been given the status of Academic Non-Vacation Department and work throughout the year to attain the set objectives.

Right from the beginning the University Grants Commission has been extending support to the Centres of Adult & Continuing Education and Extension Programmes in respective universities on the basis of proposals submitted by the universities in accordance with the Guidelines issued by the UGC for preparing the proposals.  The proposals are being reviewed by the Committee (s) appointed by the UGC; upon whose recommendations, the proposals for the establishment of Centres/ Departments (Continuing & Adult Education and Extension) are approved.  As per the UGC Guidelines, the Universities are fully authorized to set their objectives and conduct/organize their Programmes of Action, as per their needs & requirements. The CCAEE, AMU, has accordingly set its own targets of development of marginalized groups/community members.

The CCAEE undertakes different activities keeping in view the best of potential available at the University for the upliftment of the under-served section of society through its outreach activities.


Activities & Functions

Centre of Continuing & Adult Education and Extension, A.M.U, Aligarh

      Teaching, Training and Research: The Centre functions like other departments of the University, except that there is no formal teaching for diplomas or degrees, but, instead, it is involved in adult education and out-reach activities.
    Catalyst Role in Life Long Learning:  The Centre acts as a focal agency in the University system for all LLL (life-long learning) programmes and provide academic and technical resource support for community based activities in collaboration with university departments and individual faculties.

   Collaborative and Networking Role: Apart from collaboration with university departments and faculties, it engages in networking with Governmental and Non-governmental agencies and other external organizations.
  Developing and Offering: The CCAEE, AMU develops and offers need-based Life Long Learning/Education Programmes for members of the local community.
  Documentation, Dissemination and Evaluation: The CCAEE, AMU is actively involved in development of reading material for neo-literates, documentation of case studies/success stories and preparation of scholarly publications.


      Regular   Courses run by the Centre

The Courses conducted by the Centre may be classified into six categories:-



  • The Vice chancellor constituted a Committee with the Director, CCAEE, Professor Mohammad Gulrez being the Chairman and Convenor, to prepare a proposal for New Department of Distance and Adult Education vide Office memo D. No. ©/1809 Dated: August 19, 2019.

  • Academic  & Executive Council  in respective meetings  considered
    and approved the proposal for creation of the

  • Subsequently ,the University Finance Committee  forwarded its recommendation  to the UGC for the sanction of Rs. 146.4 lacs  for Centre’s infrastructure development.