Prof. M.N. Faruqui Computer Centre
Services provided by the Computer Centre :
- Internet Services (10 Gbps): AMU internet services are being provided by computer center across the Campus. University users can avail of the internet facility using either of the following two channels:
- Wired Internet Services are made available to all the eligible users across the campus through the campus network of AMU being managed and maintained by PMNFCC.
- Wireless Internet Services: AMU campus is Wi-Fi enabled. These Wi-Fi services are made available to students residing in all the 17 halls of residences using state of the art networking technology solution of CISCO.
- E-mail Services - Employees: Institutional E-mail services ( for AMU employees
- E-mail Services - Students: Institutional E-mail services( for AMU students
- FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) Adoption Support Services: A Centre of Excellence (COE) for FOSS adoption has been established to facilitate, support, and catalyze the adoption of free and open-source software in the University. The initiative of FOSS promotion is helping end-user community of the University to minimize the financial burden of expensive proprietary software without sacrificing the functional needs of end-user departments. FOSS COE organizes various short-term courses aimed at skill development of nominated resources of various departments from time-to-time.
- Technology Consulting Services: Technical support to various faculties of studies/departments of studies/Project Investigators (PI).
- LMS System : In-House Open Source LMS system is being managed at PMNF Computer Centre
- Cloud Computing Services: PMNFCCis in the process of establishing and augmenting cost-effective Cloud Computing Services, for various departments of the University. A basic version of Private Cloud Data Centre has been established for the same to facilitate the provisioning of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) by offering customized virtual servers for various departments requiring heavy computing infrastructure (servers) with 24x7 operational availability requirements. If the requirement is such that it cannot be accommodated in the private cloud then appropriate public/hybrid cloud solutions are recommended to the requisitioning department for the facilitation of computing needs of the end-users department.
- A Smart Communication Services (via email and SMS) designed and maintained in-house at PMNFCC,is very handy for sending point-to-point and broadcast messages to various categories of target recipients (like hall wise students/Officers/Chairman/Deans/All teaching staff, etc.) from time to time.
- AMU website ( is a dynamic website, managed by the Website Committee of AMU. In the present website, all teachers as well as department heads are content editors for their respective areas. The website has provided suitable privileges in the content management solution to enable content owners (teachers as well as department heads) for maintaining their respective contents using self-service portal logins provided to all content owners. The central content of the website is maintained by the office of PRO (Public Relations Officer), AMU. All content owners are respective content editors as well. The website committee evaluates suggestions/requests for enhancement/feedback/comments and oversees the standardization of AMU website. All recommendations for changes to the existing design/structure of the website are comprehensively examined through a due-diligence process of change impact assessment. During periodic meetings of the website committee, change impact assessment reports are considered thoroughly prior to decision making on change requests.
- A Self Service Intranet Portal ( has been developed in-house and deployed for taking care of workflow-applications automation needs of the University. It is an effort being made to adopt the technology and paperless culture in the University.
- An IT-HelpDesk is operational, as per the best practices framework (ITIL v3), for facilitating service desk function for ICT users of the University for Technical Support to the university user's community for all the ICT-Services, as per the service catalogue of PMNFCC
Software Support Service : Prof. M N Faruqui Computer Centre offers consultancy services for identification for quality assurance and quality control of identified software prior to it deployment in PROD
Technical Support of university events : Offering technical support for university events in various ways like provide webex platform for online events, webcast of university major events like Sir Syed Day, Convocation etc. in collaboration with Mass Communication and CEC.
e-Governance & Automation Implementation Services: Prof. M. N. Faruqui Computer Centre is providing technical consultancy services towards e-Governance and Automation Implementation Support Services to IT-Focal Points and Local IT Teams of various Organizational Units of the University.
IaaS provisioning for multiple e-governance initiatives of the University (including servers for SAMARTH-ERP and MAS workflow automation) has been completed
ITFP & Support team training : Training of IT-Focal Points and Local IT Teams are being organized frequently for Different OUs of the University for enrichment of local IT Support Team