Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad Dental College
The following have been appointed as the members of the Anti- Ragging Committee & Anti-Ragging Squad Committee (Consisting teachers) of Dr. Z. A. Dental College & Hospital. The said committee will take suiteable measures to check the incidents of ragging, in the premise of the College/Hospital.
Anti-Ragging Committee
S.No. |
Name of Teachers |
Mob.No. |
E-Mail ID |
1. |
Prof. Geeta Rajput |
9557847477 |
2. |
Dr. Nasir Salati (Assistant Professor) |
8171282249 |
3. |
Dr. Saba Khan(Assistant Professor) |
9997198983 |
Anti-Ragging Squad Committee
S.No. |
Name of Teachers |
Mob.No. |
E-Mail ID |
1. |
Dr. Sajjad-A- Rehman(Associate Professor) |
8265894741 |
2. |
Dr. Shraddha Rathi (Assistant Professor) |
9045290730 |
3. |
Dr.Mukhtar-un-nisar Andrabi(Assistant Professor) |
7599112249 |
The students in distress due to ragging related incident can use the Anti-Ragging, Helpline No.9837000614 or National Anti-Ragging Helpline No. 1800-180-5522 (24X7 Toll Free) or send E-Mail on helpline.antirag@amu.ac.in or helpline@antiragging.in For any other anti-ragging related information, students may visit the UGC website www.ugc.ac.in&www.antiragging.in