Department of Niswan wa Qabalat
Post Graduate
M.S.(Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan)
As per Guide to Admission (Supplement-U) 2020-21 for admission to Mahir-e-Jarahat (Master of Surgery) in Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU Aligarh
As a Academician/Teacher, Researcher and Clinician in respective branch.
To Produce Unani Post-graduates with sound theoretical and Clinical knowledge with goal of excellence in general Obstetric and Gynecology(Modern as well as Unani).
To provide students individual training and promoting expertise, leadership skill and scholarly acheivement in respective field .
Prepare students to acheive and demonstrate proficiency in core competencies of patient care, medical knowledge, practice based learning and improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, professionalism and sysem based practice.
Produce good entrepreneur in the field of Unani Medicine.
Prepare Post Graduate students to participate in meaningful research relevant to women's health and show their findings in national and international conferences as well as in published form in the field of Unani System of Medicine.
- . By the end of this course students will be able to-
- Perform the medical interviews and physical examination of women to provide culturally competent health care.
- Comprehend the applied aspects related to the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system.
- Understand the anatomy, the fundamentals of physiology as well as endocrinology and pathology related to the female genital organs. This Understanding will enable the students to perform various gynaecological & obstetrics related procedures.
- Perform various Gynecological minor/ O.P.D based interventions.
- Diagnosis and management of various obstetrics related as well as gynecological procedures.
- Construct differential diagnosis of patients with common benign gynecological conditions
- Student will be able to perform normal vaginal delivery.
- Comprehend the abnormal labour and prompt intervention to manage the same/ timely referral to the higher centre.
COURSE.currl :