Department of Niswan wa Qabalat
Thrust Area
Departmental Objectives:
1. We, at the deptt. of Amraz e Niswan wa Atfal, AKTC, AMU, Aligarh retell our commitment to achieve a reduction in maternal mortality in alignment with the national goals.
2. Our department therefore makes every effort to be a center of excellence in Unani system of medicine for providing care to patients and training to healthcare workers.
3. We realize the importance of family planning services in reducing MMR and improving the quality of life and hence offer the services in OPD/IPD for the same.
4. We focus on preventive healthcare services specially in the field of antenatal and post natal care through designing and executing not only institution based but also population based outreach programmes specially for the socially and economically disadvantaged class.
5. We recognize the importance of embracing technological advancements for providing state of the art patient care and teaching-learning activities and adopt and promote use of the same.
6. We promise a safe and clean institutional delivery in a comfortable and friendly environment.
7. We at our department are very much concerned about the adolescent health and hence give special attention for the issues relating to this age group.
8. Recently the department has started its pediatric OPD on daily basis and the need of the socially and economically weaker section of the society is getting benefit of this service at a larger extent.