Department of Niswan wa Qabalat

Under Graduate

Dept. data last updated on :22/03/2025


Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery(BUMS)



Qabalat wa Niswan

Ilmul Atfal


50+10(Pri tib)


Senior Secondary (XII Standard) / Intermediate Examination with Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or its equivalent examination having not less than 50% marks in aggregate.

Oriental Qualification “Fazil” (equivalent to intermediate examination) from the oriental Institutions as specified in the list recognized by the Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM)


As per Guide to Admissions 2020-2021 AMU


Medical officer in Various Govt. Hospitals, Semi Govt. Hospitals and Private Medical Prectice


The aim of the teaching (during lectures & clinical posting) in obstetrics is that student should be able to enhance his/her skill in out/indoor patient Perform obstetric and gynecologic history and physical examinations along with effective interpretation and documentation of findings to ensure accuracy of the medical record. Apply principles of routine prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care to normal pregnancies and to common pregnancy-related problems.


 By the end of the Gynecological theory and clinical component the student shall be able to..

To develop Competent Clinician in the field of Unani Medicine

Perform a complete history, physical examination, establish and confirm gestational age and identify risk factors during an initial antenatal assessment. Identify health issues and counsel patients with respect to nutrition, activity and exercise, sexual activity, smoking and drug use in pregnancy.Discuss the importance of routine prenatal laboratory investigations, prenatal diagnostic options (IPS, Quad screen, amniocentesis, CVS) and ultrasound assessment of fetal morphology.Participate in ongoing antenatal care and investigations (GDM screening, Rh prophylaxis, GBS screening, term cervical assessment) to ensure maternal health and normal fetal growth and wellbeing. Provide assessments of normal healing at 6 weeks post partum, counseling of appropriate VBAC considerations, and counseling on contraceptive options.

