Department of Ilmul Amraz
News and Publication
Research Publication Work of Department of Ilmul Amraz
Publications of 2019
S M Ahmer, Ataullah Fahad and M M Wamiq Amin: A study to Review the conceptof Disease as viewed by GreecoArab Physicians; JIM (journal of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, Vol. 18 -19, Mar, 2019, No. 4 & 1, pp.40-50, Chennai.
Mohammed Yasir, Ataullah Fahad, S.M Ahmer, M M Wamiq Amin “Unani Medical Interpretation of Cytokine Storm Syndrom: A Brief Insight”, UNIMED Kulliyat, oct-2018-Dec-2019; 11(1-2): 103-106.
Nazmeen, Ataullah Fahad, Jaleel Ahmed, Ayesha Fatema, An Analysis of Etiopathogenesis of Black Urine as viewed by Unani Medicine and Conventional Medicine, International Journal of Advances in Health Sciences (IJHS)ISSN 2349-7033, Vol-6, Issue-1, 2019, pp01-04.
Nazmeen, Ataullah Fahad, S M Ahmer, Jaleel Ahmed, Ayesha Fatema, An Investigation into Concepts of Uroscopy as Viewed by Renowned Unani Physicians, International Journal of Advances in Health Sciences (IJHS)ISSN 2349-7033, Vol-6, Issue-1, 2019, pp05-09
Nazmeen, Ataullah Fahad, Jaleel Ahmed, Ayesha Fatema, Role of Evacuation via Diaphoresis in the Management of Chronic Renal Failure: An Appraisal, International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research, ISSN 0976-2612, Vol-10, Issue-1, 2019, pp 719-722
Sameena Firdaus, Nida Sultana (2019) How Herbal Drugs Works as an Adjuvant Therapy in HIV Related Opportunistic Infections-A Review on Previous Reviews of Litterateur and Researches. Chronic Complement Altern Integra Med: CCAIM-100009.
Naghma Shahrukh, Zehra Mohsin and Nida Sultana, 2019 Sclerosing Stromal Tumor of Ovary in Young Female: A Case Report, International Journal of Current Research, 11, (10), 7934-7937. (ISSN: 0975-833X)
Publications of 2020
1. S M Ahmer, Fahad
Ataullah, M M Wamiq Amin, “Cutaneous Manifestation of Amraz-e-Kabid (Liver Diseases): A Review”
Annals Ayurvedic Med. 2020; 9 (3).
2. M. M. Wamiq Amin, Ahmer S. M., Madiha Parvez “Teaching Effectiveness of Medical Professionals with Respect to the Viewpoint of Students of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh”, Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences (STM), 2020; 7(2)
3. M M Wamiq Amin, S M Ahmer, and Khwaja Inayat Rasool: Efficacy & Safety of Hijama bil-Shurt (Wet Cupping) in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis; Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, Vol. 15(1): 2020,pp. 61-74, New Delhi
M. Yasir, R. M. Khan, Ataullah Fahad, A. N. Ansari, COVID-19: Understanding Pathology and Management in Unani
Medical Perspective, Indian Journal of
Traditional Knowledge, Vol 19 (Suppl), December 2020, pp. S 81-S 88
5. Mohammed Yasir, Ataullah Fahad, Irfan Ahmad, Mohammad Fazil, Etiopathogenesisof Malankhuliya Maraqi (A Syndrome of Depression and Anxiety due to Gastro-Intestinal Pathology), Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, Vol. XV, No. 2, ISSN: 0974-1291, April-June 2020. pp 33-41
6. Irfan Ahmad, Mohd Adil, Masroor A. Qureshi, Nirmala Devi, Haseeb Alam Lari, Mohammed Yasir, Relevance of Unani Medicine (Greco-Arab Medicine) in Management of Bawasir (Hemorrhoids): An Updated Review. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2020; 7(2): 20 27 p.
7. Rizwan Mansoor Khan, Mohammad Yasir, Wudu (Ablution): An Effective Preventive Measure against Many Infectious Diseases, Research and Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2020. 7(3). 28-31.
8. Naseem Ahmad Khan and Wamiq Amin, Concept of Temperament (Mizaj) and its Relation with Diabetes Mellitus, Advances in Public Health, Community and Tropical Medicine, volume 2020, issue 01.
Publications of 2021
1. Anwar M., Khan M. S., Anas M., Ali S. J. and Yasir M. Effect of Hijama Bil Shart (Wet Cupping Therapy) in the Management of Waja‘ al-Zahr (Low Back Pain): A Randomized Standard Controlled Clinical Study. Research & Reviews: Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy in Volume 10 Issue 2, 2021. 9-14
2. Irfan Ahmad, Mohd Naseem, Mohammed Yasir et al. Antihypertensive, Antidepressant and Sedative Actions of Banafsha (Viola odorata): A review. accepted in Advances in Bioresearch Vol. 12 (5/6) 2021. (In Press)
3. C. K. Mandal, S. Miridha, Mohammad Yasir et al. Poecilobdella Aligarhensis - A New Leech (Clitellata: Hirudinida) from Aligarh, India accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Zoological Researches in December 2021. Vol. 32 (2)
4. Mohammed Yasir, A. N. Ansari, Tashannuje Imtilai Isterkhai (Post Stroke Spasticity) ki Tafheem Tibbe Unani k Tanazur me accepted in Tarjuman-e-Tib.
5. S. M. Ahmer, Ataullah Fahad, Wamiq Amin, Geriatrics Care in Pandemic Era: In Perspective of Unani Medicine Guidelines, accepted in Journal of Indian system of Medicine.
6. Nida Sultana, Clinical Validation of Unani Pharmacoepial Formulation Majoon Supari Paak in Sayalan-al-Rahem (Leucorrhoea), accepted in Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, CCRUM.
7. Nida Sultana, Kalaf (Jhayeen) ki Tibbi wa Tehqiqi Ahmiyat, accepted in Jahan- e-Tibb. CCRUM.
Conferences/ workshop/Webinar attended by Dr. S. M. Ahmer
- CME CUM Awareness programme on Pharmacovigilance of ASU & H drugs organized by Peripheral Pharmacovigilance centre (PPvC), Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Aligarh 04th March 2021.
-1st Hemophilia and Thalassemia Update organized by Department of Hematology, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow held on 22nd & 23rd January, 2021.
-National Webinar on Understanding the Unani Concept of Disease, organized by department of Mahiyatul Amraz, NIUM, Bangalore on 12th Feb 2021.
-AYUSH for Immunity organized by RRIUM, CCRUM, Aligarh on 20 Oct 2020.
-- Unani Day 2021 & National Conference on Unani Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges in Times of COVID-19 11th February, 2021, organized by Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, Ministry of AYUSH.
- SOP for Maintenance of Equable Temperament in Different Stages of Life Span (Mizaj-e- A’mar) Department of Kulliyat, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh 19thMarch, 2019
Paper Presented by Dr. S. M. Ahmer
- Cutaneous Manifestation of Diagnosing Liver Disease (Amraz-e-Kabid): A Review in National Conference on Amraz-e-Jild wa Tazeeniyat held on 16th March, 2019, AMU, Aligarh
Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin
- chaired Scientific Session in National Conference on Unani Medicine organized by CCRUM, New Delhi held on 11th Feb., 2019
- chaired Scientific Session in National Conference on Evidence based Unani Medicine organized by Department of Moalijat, AMU, Aligarh in 5th -6th November, 2019
- participated as Chairperson in the Fundamentals of Unani Medicine Conference in 3rd -4th December, 2019, organized by the Department of Kulliyat, AMU, Aligarh
- delivered a lecture on 'Role of Unani Medicine in COVID -19' in webinar on AYUSH organized by RRIUM, dated 2nd November, 2020
UGC Approved Journals
01. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin joined editorial board Current Trends in Complimentary & Alternative Medicine Kosmos publisher, USA in May, 2018.
02. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin chaired the Scientific Session Unani System of Medicine in Public Health/ Primary Health Care Delivery in the International Conference of Unani Medicine, 10th -11th Feb., 2018 orgnaized by CCRUM, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi.
03. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin delivered the Invited Lecture in the World Congress on Holistic Health 2018 on 9th Feb., 2018 at Silver Jubilee Auditorium, Dr. M. G. R. Medical University, Tamil Nadu, Chennai.
04. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin attended the meeting of the Award Committee to decide the name of awardees on occasion of Unani Day held at CCRUM headquarters, New Delhi in February, 2018.
05. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin attended the meeting to prepare PG syllabus of Mahiyatul Amraz as subject expert, 13th -14th Dec., 2017 at Lucknow organized by CCIM, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
06. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin inspected the Govt. Unani Medical College, Chennai as CCIM visitor under section 13c IMCC Act 1970, dated 24th -25th April, 2017.
07. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin nominated as member of IQAC committee of AMU under the category Administrative Officer.
08. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin attended meeting of Departmental Assessment Board of Group A Officers at CCRUM headquarters, New Delhi on 29th Nov., 2016.
09. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin actively participated in the International Conference on Unani Medicine from tradition to evidence based medicine organized by National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore 25th -27th Oct., 2017.
10. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin chaired the Scientific Session of National Seminar on Hakim Ajmal Khan, 12th -13th Oct., 2016 organized by Mohsinul Mulk Hakim Ajmal Khan Institute for literary & Historical Research in Unani Medicine, CCRUM, New Delhi at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
11. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin attended the training programme for online submission of visitors performance at New Delhi organized by CCIM.
12. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin visited Istanbul (Turkey) to present a paper in the 2nd International Conference on Cupping organized by British & Istanbul Cupping Society held on 28th -30th September, 2012.
13. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin visited Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) to present a paper in First International Conference on Clinical Teaching for Health Sciences held on 10 -12 February, 2014.
14. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin attended the meeting of Institutional Ethics Committee of RRIUM on 29th December, 2014 as a member of Ethics Committee.
15. Prof. M. M. Wamiq Amin chaired the one session in National Conference on Role of Unani Medicine in NCD on 14 -15 January, 2015 organized by CCRUM, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi.