Department of Jarahat
News and Publication
1. The Department of Jarahat is going to organise "CME Programme for the Teachers of Ilmul Jarahat" Sponsored by the Ministry of AYUSH Govt. of India, from 21st to 26th October 2019. The information may be collected from the web page of the department: alternatively may be contacted through following email or phone numbers:
b) 07906686533
c) 09690004888
2. The Department of Jarahat is going to organise " One Day Symposium of Recent Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Sinusitis" on August 04, 2019 in the Seminar room of the Department. Teachers and P.G. Scholars of the Clinical Departments of the Faculty of Unani Medicines have been invited to participate.
3. The department of Jarahat organised another Guest lecture on .The out sourced resource person was Prof. Basir Lodi from Mumbai (Maharashtra)
4. The department of Jarahat organised Guest lecture on .The outsourced resource person was Prof. Basir Lodi from Mumbai (Maharashtra)
5. The department of Jarahat organised a series 03 Guest lectures on "Interpretations of ECG and the Diagnosis and Management of High Blood pressure specially in Pre Operative & post Operative Cases" on . The resource person was Dr. Jamal Azmat from Department of Moalijat, AMU, Aligarh.
6. The department of Jarahat, Faculty of Unani Medicine, A.M.U. Aligarh organised JCON4 "The International Conference of Unani Medicine: Re Visiting Ilmul Jarahat" successfully from 26th -28th February 2018 at A.M.U. Aligarh India. Apart from 16 scientific sessions including inaugural & valedictory session, four workshops were also organised during the conference. Fifty seven experts and delegates from foreign countries and more than 200 from India participated in the conference.
7.The Department of Jarahat organised " Interdisciplinary Symposium on Recent Advances in the Management of Fungal Infection in Surgical & Gynecological Cases" on December 17, 2017 in the Smart Class Room of A.K. Tibbiya College, AMU.. Teachers and P.G. Scholars of the Jarahat (Surgery) & Amraz e Niswan (Gynecology) Departments participated in the programme.
8. The Department of Jarahat organised " One Day Symposium on Recent Advances in the Management of Fungal Infection in Surgical & Gynecological Cases" on June 18, 2017 in the Smart Class Room of A.K. Tibbiya College, AMU.. Teachers and P.G. Scholars of the Jarahat (Surgery) & Amraz e Niswan (Gynecology) Departments participated in the programme.
9. The Department of Jarahat organized Live Workshop & National Conference "JCON 2 & JCON 3 in the year 2011 & 2012 on the topics - "Live workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery" & "Adoption of Advanced Surgical Technology in Indigenous System of Medicine - A Need of Today" - Chief Guest - Dr. Anil Arora, The Director, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
10. The Department of Jarahat organized National Conference "JCON 2009" 21 & 22 February 2009 on the topic "Futuristic Shape of Teaching and Training of Jarahat (Surgery) at UG & PG Education of Unani System of Medicine" - Chief Guest - Honorable Smt. Panabaka Lakshmi, Minister of State, Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi
1. Prof. Anis Ismail: (Monograph) -
Unani Medicine Reviewed, published by AMU Press, 2008
2. Prof. Iqbal Aziz: (Monograph) -
Unani Medicine Reviewed, published by AMU Press, 2008
3. Dr. Ghayoorul Haq:
"Efficacy of Habb-e-Shifa as Pre-Anaesthetic Medication" published in Hamdard Medicus, Vol. 52, Issue No. 1, of Jan-March 2009.