Department of Kulliyat
SOPs of Office
SOPs of Office
Working Hours of Office: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
The concerned person opens the department at 7:45 AM.
All the electrical switches and water taps are checked before closing the Department.
Sweeper is responsible for cleaning the whole premises of the department.
Maintain Attendance Register of Employees and PG Students
Notice board updated regularly.
Departmental web page updated regularly.
Chairman chamber, Faculty chambers, Office, Seminar Room and Laboratories are cleaned every day before and after the practical classes commence.
Laboratories are ICT enabled with LCD projectors are used to aid and improve the teaching and training process.
Purchase of the following items are done annually in the Department under the supervision of the Chairman
Departmental items (Stationary etc).
Purchase and repair of the items are done by the Chairman between Rs.1 -25,000 are done through Chairman.
Purchase ranging between 25,000 - 2.5 lac are done by the Purchase Committee of the Department.
Purchase of more than 2.5 lac are done through the Finance office of the University.
Purchases of various items are done as per University rules by the registered company/supplier through GEM.
The lowest cost quotation is considered, by the approval of the Chairman.
Order is placed after the Chairman’s approval.
The received items are entered in the specific stock registers.
The items are issued through the Indent book to the office and laboratories as per requirement.
Indent book carries the following details:
Name of indenter
Name and quantity of item
Indent book is approved/ permitted/ signed by the Chairman
The following registers are maintained:
Register for Stationary/ Consumable Items
Register for Chemicals
Register for Plasticware and Glassware
Register for Repairing items
Register for Budget Control
Register for Imprest
Register for Advance
Register for MAS
Register for Refreshment
Register for Fee Reimbursement
SOPS for Seminar Library
The Seminar Library of the Department is spacious to accommodate approximately 25 persons making it a feasible space to conduct classroom activities and seminars, workshops etc. The seminar room is ICT enabled with smart Podium.
The Department maintains clear operating procedures for optimum utilization of its resources. It facilitates both faculty and students, as well as it is open to all for academic purposes.
The Department has a well-stocked of 1508 books, 635 in English, 825 in Urdu, 02 in Hindi, 06 in Persian and 40 in Arabic languages in different subjects of Unani Medicine.
The Seminar Library books are cataloged properly with accession numbers which are provided by Maulana Azad Library.
The Department maintains an Accession Register and also a Record of Issuing the Books as per norms/ rules of the Seminar Library.
Purchase of Books:
Submission of list of books recommended by the teachers to the office of the Department.
Recommendations are checked and approved later by the Chairman for availability.
Finally, approved books are purchased through Maulana Azad Library under the provided head of annual budget.
Physical verification and checking of books received against the order.
Accessioning of books in the Accession Register of Maulana Azad Library as well as in the Register of the Departmental Seminar Library.
Technical Processing of Books:
Technical processing of the books classification as per subjects and Languages.
Physical Processing of the books including pasting of property slips and stamping is carried out.
Issue Policy of Library Books:
The book Bank facility is provided to all UG & PG students during office hours for a specified period. General guidelines and instructions are followed, issued by the Chairman for the proper functioning of the library. Books can be accessed/ borrowed by showing valid identity cards of the University.
Return Policy of Library Books:
Academic Staff: 4 books issued for 14 days
Non-Academic Staff: 2 books issued for 5 days
SOPS of Lab
1. The Department of Kulliyat has three Labs respectively for Postgraduate and Undergraduate/Pre-Tibb course.
2. The labs provide a platform for Research and Development activities and to promote teaching/learning among the students.
3. The Lab is aided by the lab manual of different instruments, which serves as a procedural framework and guidelines for the laboratory activities.