Department of Tashreeh wa Munafeul Aza
Eminent Speakers
Speakers invited on various occasions:
1. Prof. Raisur Rehman, Advisor (Unani)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
2. Prof. Usha Singhal
Head, Department of Physiology, NIMS, Jaipur
Formerly, Dean faculty of Medicine, AMU
3. Prof. Mohammad Fahim
Head, Department of Physiology, Jamia Hamdard Institute of Medical sciences, New, Delhi
4. Dr. Asad U Khan
Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, AMU
5. Prof. KMY Amin
Professor Pharmacology,Department of Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU
6. Mr. Mohd Arif Sadiq
Programmer NCERT, New Delhi
7. Dr S.M. Khan
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, AMU
8. Dr. Shariq Ali Khan
Director, RRIUM, Aligarh
9. Prof. Naeem Ahmad Khan
Department of Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU
10. Prof. M. Mobarak Hossain
Department of Physiology, JN Medical College, AMU
11. Prof. S. Shakir Jamil
Former Director General, CCRUM, New Delhi
12. Prof. Mohd Zulkifle
Head Department of Kulliyat, NIUM, Bangaluru
13. Prof. Ashhar Qadeer
Department of Kulliyat, AMU