Department of West Asian Studies and North African Studies


Dept. data last updated on :18/03/2025

SOP’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Office of the Chairman

1.   Receive the papers  from the person who come from other department or other designated authorities.

2.   Monitor the papers  and then mark the receive Number on that received papers.

3.   Then we put that paper for consideration of  the Chairman.

4.   After that he signs on that paper and office disposes that paper .

SOP’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Smart Classroom

1.   There is a Podium and projector, that has been used for Ph. D viva voce, seminar presentations, lectures etc.


2.   In smart classrooms mike facility available for presentation.


3.   In smart classroom , one LED TV is available for showing PPT’s and other research related materials to students


4.   The teacher takes classes through projector in order to retain the interest of students in the class.

SOPs of Computer Lab:

  1. The Department has a fully functional air-conditioned computer lab for  P.G. students, research scholars. There are 07 computer systems available for practice.

  2. The computers available in the lab can be used only by bonafide students, research scholars of the Department.

  3. The internet facility can be used with the help of logging I.D. and Password provided by the computer centre.

  4. All types of eatables are strictly prohibited in the lab.

  5. The state of the computer set is checked before and after the use by the students. 

  6. Users are not allowed to create any folder/file on computers.

  7. It is not permissible for users to use any infected external device on lab computers.

  8. Keeping the computer lab neat and clean is the responsibility of every user and it is expected that the users will clean up the area around the computer if required before leaving the lab.

  9. Before leaving the lab, users are supposed to logged off or shut down the computer.

  10. As per the provisions of AMU Acts and Statutes, disciplinary actions may be taken if anyone is found guilty of accessing objectionable websites or any online activity leading to wrong intentions. 

Maintenance of the Department

1.      For Departmental work maintenance work requirements are submitted to the Building Department of the University for necessary action.

2.      For electrical maintenance, University Electricity Department is approached for required work/maintenance.

Standard Operating Procedures For Building Cleanliness

1.  Cleanliness of the premise of the department is maintained through duly appointed Safai Karamchari.

2.  Strict schedules for cleaning corridors, Stairs, Student Seminars, Cartography Lab. etc are adhered to.

3.    Washrooms are cleaned regularly.

Department Cleanliness

1.      Cleaning and Disinfection of Drinking Water Cooler is done daily.

2.      Office (Chairperson’s and Staffs’) and chambers of Teachers are cleaned daily.

3.        All Class Rooms are cleaned every day before the classes commence.

4.       The Class Rooms are well knit and lighting facilities are regularly inspected.

5.        Each class room has white board.

6.       Chamber of each teacher also has whiteboard. 

Standard Operating Procedures for Students Seminar

1. The Department Seminar library is exclusively meant to the Post-Graduate Students, Research Students and the Faculty.

2.  The Department also maintains a Research Scholar Working Station open only for PhD scholars.

3.  The Seminar Library is managed by a Professional Assistant and Semi Professional Assistant (SPA) under the supervision of Seminar In-charge appointed by the Department from amongst its Faculty.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Student Mentoring/Helping

1.  The Departmental pursues a policy for students Mentoring/Tutorial Programme for the advance and slow learners.

2.      The mentoring or tutorial group consisting of 4 to 5 students in each course opted by the students and assigned a teacher for further intensive study using different learning tools depending on the requirement.

3.   This provides different environment in comparison to classroom teaching, where a student opens up and share his/her ideas more freely.

4.     There happens a meeting of teachers and mentor/tutorial teacher twice in a semester to discuss the progress of the student in the particular course of study.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Career Counselling

1.      There is an advisor for each semester of each programme of studies.

2.      Students are advised to meet their advisors before selecting any course in their respective          programme of studies.

3.      The career counselling is routinely carried out by the Career Counselling Committee of the department and experts are also invited occasionally