MD Unani Medicine (Moalejat)
Unani Dermatology & Cosmetology
Mohalla- Tirpolia, Gali- Wakilan, Amroha, UP
- Publication
BBOKS; Shifa ul Aajil, tarjuma wa Tadveen (Urdu) , Bar us Saa, tarjuma wa Tadveen (Urdu), Risala Tibbe Nabvi, tarjuma wa Tadveen (Urdu) , Moalijat-Khususi(Ilaj bil tadbeer) (Urdu) ,and Moalijat-e-Jild (Urdu)
Zamir Ahmad, Misbahuddin Azhar, M Akram Laique and Rifaqat. Concept of Urinary Stone formation in Unani medicine- a review. International Journal of Unani and integrative Medicine, E-ISSN:2616-4558, 2019, 3(1),p.p. 41-44
Mohammad Akram Laiq and Zamir Ahmad. Alshifaul Ajil-Amraze uzn,anaf wa Halaq ke fori Unani ilaj par mushtamil eke ham Arabi makhtuta (Mai akaswa Urdu tarjuma). Tarjumane Tib, ISSN: 2454-4507,Jan16-June18, p.p. 55-64
Rifaqat, Faireen Baqi, Zamir Ahmad and Abdul Mannan. A Historical Review on Urticaria. J. Res. Tradit. Med. 2016;2(6):173-77
Zamir Ahmad. Role of Unani Medicine in the Treatment of Exfoliative Dermatitis- a case report. International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences, ISSN :2455-2569, Vol.2, Issue 10, (October , 2016), p.p.6-11. Impact Factor: 4.457
Dr Zamir Ahmad, Dr Belal Ahmad and M. Akram Laeeque. Unani (Greek) treatment of Psoriasis- Case series. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies ISSN: - 2348-0459 , Volume-5, Issue-10, September 2016 p.p. 98 – 101. Impact Factor: 2.389
Dr. Zamir Ahmad. Role of Unani (Greek) Therapy in the Treatment of Psoriasis-Case Series. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS, e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 15, Issue 9 Ver. XII (September). 2016), p.p. 24-27 Impact factor :1.486
Zamir Ahmad, Hamid Ali and Mohd Anwar Siddiqui. Efficacy of Unani (Greek) therapies including leech therapy in the management of non-healing ulcers- Case report. International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (IRJNAS) ISSN: (2349-4077) p.p. 92-98 impact factor : 3.827
Zamir Ahmad, Hamid Ali .Treatment of Chronic Non-Healing Leg Ulcers in Unani (Greek) System of Medicine- Case Report. Paripex- Indian Journal of Research. ISSN-2250-1991.Volume5 Issue 10, October 2016, pp:255-258. Impact Factor:5.215