Ph.D., M.SC.
Discrete Maths, Graph Theory
4/1175 J New Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh-202002 (U.P.), India
I did my M.Sc. from Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT, Kanpur in 1978 in Mathematics. In 1985, I got my Ph.D. degree from IIT, Kanpur in Graph Theory. I have published 23 research papers in National and International journals. I am member of various board of studies of Department of Mathematics in different universities in India. I have served as Warden, Asstt. Proctor, Asstt. DSW and Provost in Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. I am on the editorial board of European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. I am also member of various public service commissions of different states in India. I have teaching experience of 38 years and have taught in three different universities in abroad.. I have supervised 03 Ph.D. and 05 M.Phil. At present 2 research scholars are working with me.
- Publication
- On Some covering graphs of a graph,Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 2016,(1-16)( Co authors:S.Pirzada, Hilal A. Ganie)
- On Imbalance sequences of oriented graphs, Acta Universitatis Apulensis No. 36/2013, 87-99, (Co-authors: S.A.K, Kirmani, and Madhukar Sharma)
- .On Self-complementary Chordal Graphs Defined By Single Forbidden Induced Subgraph, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 8, 2014, no. 54, 2655-2663 (Co-authors: S.A.K, Kirmani, Pervez Ali)
- Laplacian spectrum of some classes of self complementary perfect graphs, Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences,Vol.5 (2013)No.2,pp.101-112 (Co-authors: S.A.K, Kirmani, and Madhukar Sharma)
- Some Results on Self Complementary Chordal Graphs, International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and computers, January-June 2011, Volume 4, No. 1, pp. 77-86 ISSN- (Printing) 0974-5068, (Online) 0975-3753 (with A.K.Kirmani, Madhukar Sharma and Parvez Ali)
- On self-complementary weakly chordal graphs, Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition), Vol.37, No.2, March 2010,pp 131-136 (Co-authors: Parvez Ali,Kirmani S.A.K., Pirzada S.)
- Inequalities on marks in multidigraphs,Italian J. Pure and Applied Mathematics,Vol.28(2011) , 83-92 ( with S. Pirzada,U.Samee and T.A. Naikoo).
- Some inequalities for imbalances in oriented graphs, Proc ICDM 2008, Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Lecture Notes Series, No.13, 2010, pp 109-117( Co-author Madhukar Sharma).
- Inequalities in orieted graph scores, Bulletin of the Allahabad Mahematical Society, Vol. 23 (2) , 2008, pp 389-395 ( Co-authors: S. Pirzada and U Samee)
- On oriented graphs scores, Mathematical Vesinik vol. 60, 2008, pp 187-191 ( Co-authors: S. Pirzada and U Samee)
- On mark sequences in 2-diagraphs, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Compiuting , Korea, Vol. 24, 2008, pp 1-12(Springer) ( Co-authors: S. Pirzada and U Samee).
- Score sets in oriented tripartite graphs , Analysis in Theory and Applications ,Vol.23(4) (2007)363-374 (with S.Pirzada and T.A.Naikoo).
- Cospectral and hyperenergetic self-complementary comparability graphs, Journal of Korean Society of industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11 no. 3, 2007 (Co-authors:,Kirmani S.A.K., Parvez Ali and Pirzada S.)
- Scores sets in oriented 3-partite graphs , Analysis in Theory and Applications, Vol. 23 no. 4, 2007, pp 363-374 (Springer) (Co-authors: S. Pirzada and T.A.Naikoo)
- Mark sequences in 3-partite 2-digraphs, Journals of Korean Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11 No. 1, 2007, pp 41-56 (Co-authors: S. Pirzada and U Samee)
- Mark sequences in bipartite 2-digraphs, International Journal of Mathematical Science, Vol. 6 no. 1, 2007 pp 97-105. (Co-authors: S. Pirzada , U Samee and T.A.Naikoo)
- Scores sequences of tournaments with repeated values, 10th Annual Conferees of Vijnana Parishad of India on Mathematical Modeling , Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal , May 17-19, 2004 (Co-author: Madhukar Sharma)
- On the scores of oriented bipartite graphs , Jounal of Mathematical Study, Vol. 33 no 4 2000, pp 354-359. (Co-authors: S. Pirzada and Yin Jianhua)
- Score lists of oriented tripartite graphs , Novi Sad J, Math. Vol. 26 No 2, 1996, pp 1-9, (Co-author: S. Pirzada)
- Some properties of score sequences of tournaments, Proceedings of the seminar on combinatorics and applications, I.S.I, Calcutta Dec. 14-17, 1982 pp 329-333 (Co-authors: M.R. Sridharan)
- On tournament isomorphism, Proceeding of the seminar on Combinatorics and Application, I.S.I. Calcutta, Dec 14-17, 1982 (Co-authors: M.R. Sridharan)
- Phasing traffic singnals at Kanpur, Indian Highways, June 1981, pp 47-50 (Co-authors: M.R. Sridharan)