Assistant Professor
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shafiqullahphys@gmail.com , shafiqullahaps@gmail.com
Dr. Shafiqullah was awarded PhD degree in the year 2013 in the area of theoretical astrophysics
from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. Prior to joining as Assistant Professor (Physics)
Applied Science and Humanities Section, University Polytechnic, AMU, Dr. Shafiqullah was
working as Guest Faculty/Guest Teacher in the Department of Physics, AMU, Aligarh. He did
his B.Sc. (Hons) in Physics, M.Sc. Physics and M.Phil. in Physics from the Department of
Physics, AMU, Aligarh.
- Fir continuum and line emissions from interstellar medium in galaxies
Shafiqullah, Suhail Ahmad Siddiqui and Abdul Qaiyum Astrophysics and Space Science volume 331, pages409–418(2011)
- Radon Exhalation Rate Study of Sand Samples Collected from Sea Coast of Tirur, Kerala, India Using Track Etch Technique
Mohd Zubair and Shafiqullah MAPAN volume 33, pages441–448(2018)
- Measurement of natural radioactivity in several sandy-loamy soil samples from Sijua, Dhanbad, India
M. Zubair, Shafiqullah Heliyon Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2020, e03430
- Integrated approach to the PDR/HII complex by the application of carbon radio recombination lines in the millimetre range and fine-structure lines of CII and OI
S. A. Siddiqui, Shafiqullah Khan and A. Qaiyum Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 492, Issue 1, February 2020, Pages 1049–1060