Prof. Masood Ahmad
M.Sc, M.Phil., Ph.D
Environmental Toxicology, Bioremediation, DNA repair, Mutagenesis, Microbiology, Nematology, Recombinant vaccine development
Firdaus 360, Iqra Colony, Street No.04, New S.S. Nagar, Dhorra Mafi Extn, Aligarh-202002. (India).
Dr. Masood Ahmad is a retired Professor of Biochemistry. He was the senior most Professor in the Faculty of Life Sciences of A.M.U, Aligarh at the time of his retirement i.e 31 October, 2017. He obtained his M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D.(Biochemistry) degrees from this university while working for doctoral degree at CDRI, Lucknow, as JRF and SRF. Prof. Ahmad has 36 years of teaching various under graduate and postgraduate biochemistry and molecular biology courses as well as 6 years M.Sc. (Ag) microbiology courses at A.M.U. Aligarh. Moreover, he has 44 years of working and guiding research experience in the fields of Molecular Biology, Environmental and DNA Toxicology, Mutation and DNA Repair, Microbial and Phage Genetics, Nematology, Microbial Taxonomy, Recombinant Vaccine Development, and Bioremediation of water pollutants. Prof. Ahmad has supervised 21 Ph.Ds, 14 M.Phils and 33 M.Sc biochemistry and/or microbiology projects. Prof. Ahmad's current interest is in environmental toxicology with particular reference to biomarkers and bioremediation of water/soil pollutants as well as ligand-DNA interaction using biochemical and bioinformatics tools. He has published more than 118 Scientific Research Papers in high impact factor journals e.g. Scientific Reports-Nature, AIDS, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Mutation Research, Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere, Plant and Soil, Mutagenesis, Journal of Applied Toxicology, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, PLOSONE, Journal of Environmental Science and Health-Part C, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, etc with an average impact factor of all the indexed research papers to be 2.8 and Google scholars H-index 28, i10-index 47 and total citations 2084 as on 10th Sep, 2018. He has authored 13 books, edited 2 books and contributed 4 chapters in the book of international repute. He participated and /or contributed in 55 National and International Scientific Conferences and more than 10 Islamic Seminars. He has also published more than two dozen high quality articles/ papers on Philosophy and Guiding Principles of Islam, Science and Al-Quran. Prof. Ahmad has also served as PI/Co-PI in several research projects of ICMR, CSIR, DST and MOEF, New Delhi, and UP-CST, Lucknow. He also reviewed innumerable research papers, M.Phil/Ph.D theses and research projects, and also reviewed academic and scientific works for promotions at the national and international institutions. He is currently serving as the editor of various scientific and academic journals. Prof. Ahmad has successfully completed the tenures of : (i) Chairman of Dept. of Biochemistry (2001-04), (ii) Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences, AMU, Aligarh (2010-12), (iii) Coordinators of UGC-SAP/DRS-I & II (2002-11) and DST-FIST (2003-07) programs. He also served as : (iv) Acting Vice-Chancellor, AMU, Aligarh, (v) Organizing Secretary of four National and one International Symposia as well as Chief Coordinator of six Science Day Functions, (vi) Served as nominated member of the various high powered committees like: Executive Council of AMU, Aligarh, AMU Court, CASR (F/O Agriculture), Finance committee, Central Ethical Committee, University Discipline Committee, University Grievance Committee, Convener of CASR F/O Life Sciences as well as member of various High Powered Investigation and Policy Making Committees of AMU, Aligarh, (vii) Six term expert on Mission in UNIDO program for the Hepatitis B vaccine development program at ICGEB, New Delhi, (viii) As sole Representative and Expert from South Asia to be invited in the meeting organized by IDRC, Canada, to chalk out the agenda for toxicological monitoring of drinking water in the Developing countries, in the Expert Water-Tox-I Workshop held at Ottawa, Canada in June, 1996, (ix) Nodal person of MOEF, New Delh, and (x) Presently serving as Mentor of Builder program of AMU, Aligarh.