Associate Professor
Computer Networking, Multimedia, Cost Optimization, Information communication Technologies, women Entrepreneur
Al-Mirza, 4/1351 S.S. Nagar, Behind AMU Duplex Quarters, Aligarh - 202002
Time Table 2021-22Unit 4 screen design principleTime Table 2020-21revised Time Table effective from 22.02.2020
She obtained her B.Sc. Engg. and M. Sc. Engg. and Ph.D. from AMU. Her academic interests lie in areas of Multimedia Systems, Computer Networks, IT, Entrepreneurship & Optimization techniques. She is Associate Professor at University Women's Polytechnic since 1997. She has presented and contributed a significant number of papers in conferences in India & abroad and has also published large number of papers in referred and peer reviewed National and International journals. Reviewer of Science PG group Journal in the area of advances in wireless communications and networks and Journal of Computer and Communications and also a member of editorial board of International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation (IJREI).
She has delivered a large number of invited talks at Academic Staff College, Center for Promotion of Science, and IGNOU center at AMU.
She is serving as chairperson of IE (I), Aligarh Local center and delivered large number of invited talks at various occasions at IE local center.
She has also developed linkages with agencies like NSIC, technical service center and SOCH beyond the imagination. She has been resident warden as well as Acting Provost of S.N. Hall. She has also worked as First lady Assistant DSW.
She is constantly involved in various activities for empowering women with technology to make a significant difference to society. She has been awarded
Her other efforts at service of AMU include Member of Alumni Affairs Committee, Member of core committee for Gender Champion Scheme of UGC in collaboration with MHRD,
- New Technologies for Future e-Learning Systems” National conference on “Advances in e-learning: Tools Technology and trends”, Organized by ICEIT on 27-28 April, 2012 at Indian International center, New Delhi PP7-13.
1. S. Shaheen and Tazyeen ahmad women entrepreneurship in IT based society" National conference on Modern Trends in Information technology”, Organized by ICEIT on 13-14 January, 2009 at Indian International center , New Delhi PP. - 133-138
2. S. Shaheen “New Technologies for Future e-Learning Systems” National conference on “Advances in e-learning: Tools Technology and trends”, Organized by ICEIT on 27-28 April, 2012 at Indian International center, New Delhi PP7-13.
3. M. Ahmad. and S. Shaheen “Encouraging creativity and innovation in education” Indian Journal of Applied Research. ISSN - 2249-555X, Vol. 3, Issue 2, February 2013, pp. 23-26.
4. S. Shaheen and Savita Gautam "Impact of demographic profile on motives for purchase of laptop" International Journal of Science and Research, Volume, 5, Issue, 3,March 2016,ISSN (Online):2319-7064, pp-1877-1879.
5. S. Shaheen "Investigations into Extraneous Factors " International Journal For Research Analysis, June 2019.
6 S. Shaheen and Amrah Maryam "A Study on the Usefulness, Difficulties and Recommendations for Online Teaching" Pramana Research Journal August 2020, Impact factor 6.2 , ISSN NO: 2249-2976
7. S. Shaheen and M. Ahmad "A gender based study At primary and secondary level in online Teaching Amid Covid-19" International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) October 2020, Impact Factor Google Scholar h index 5.47, ISSN: 2455-2631