PhD in Economics
Public Finance, Economic Growth and Development, International Finance and Trade and Econometric Modelling and Forecasts
4/1175 (T-5), Syed Colony, New Sir Syed Nagar Aligarh, 202002
Dr. Mohammad Asif is Professor in Economics, in the Department of Economics of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Aligarh, India, an institution of national importance in India. He has also worked as Associate Professor and Head of Finance Department after joining College of Business Administration(CBAK) in Salman bin Abdulaziz University, Al Kharj, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period 2010 to 2015 after availing Extra Ordinary Leave from AMU, the parent University. He is PhD in Economics from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (AMU) India. He has twenty two years of teaching experience at graduate and post-graduate levels. His teaching and research areas are Macroeconomics, Public Finance, Econometric Modeling and Forecast and International Finance. He has published several research papers in refereed national as well as international journals. He has also been involved as a key researcher and as an expert in various research projects funded by prominent institutions. He has also worked on research projects funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research, Salman bin Abdulaziz University. He is also associated with various academic as well as professional bodies such as The Indian Econometric Society(TIES), Indian Economic Association (IEA), India, Economic Association of Bihar and U.P Economic Association (UPEA), India. He has also supervised research guidance to PhD Scholars in Aligarh Muslim University, India. In the past, he has also hold several key administrative as well as supervisory positions at university level.
- Environmental feasibility of a gradual shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy in India: Evidence from multiple structural breaks cointegration The prime purpose of this study is to empirically explore the comparative environmental impact of renewable
and non renewable energy consumption in India. The study also investigates the impact of increasing levels of
national income and development of financial sector on environmental quality and applicability of “Pollution
Haven Hypothesis” in the country. Multiple structural breaks based [1] cointegration test has been applied to
investigate the presence of cointegrating relationship among the variables. Modified Autoregressive Distributed
Lag Bounds test has been applied to ascertain cointegration. The empirical results confirmed presence of cointegration with three structural breaks. The long run results revealed that renewable energy consumption has no
direct mitigating impact on emission of greenhouse gases, however, a shift from conventional to renewable
sources of energy may help the natural environment by lessening the hampering effect of fossil fuels on environment. Hence, India faces a dual challenge of achieving maximum possible growth of national output and
simultaneously addressing the rising threat of global warming and climate change. The authors suggest policymakers to take necessary steps for attracting foreign investment in clean energy, providing fiscal and financial
incentives for undertaking renewable energy projects and eliminating subsidies to fossil fuels.