Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)
Assistant Professor
Renewable Energy Systems and Grid Interconnections
AB-64, Medical Colony, AMU, Aligarh-202002
Imdadullah received the B.Tech. Degree in Electrical Engineering and the M.Tech. Degree in power systems and drives, and Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Zakir Husain College of Engg. and Tech. (ZHCET), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, India in 2003, 2006, and 2020, respectively. He joined the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anand Engineering College, Agra (Sharda Group of Institutions), India from July 18, 2006, to December 12, 2007, as a lecturer. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in electrical engineering with the University Polytechnic, AMU, Aligarh since December 13, 2007. He holds a patent on the FASAL system, ‘‘A concept of flexible asynchronous AC link.’’ He has published several research papers in IEEE Transactions/Journals and IEEE conference proceedings. His areas of interests are renewable energy systems, power systems and drives, and instrumentation and measurement. He has visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), United States of America (USA) for attending the conferences.
International Journal
- Imdadullah, H. Rahman, and M. S. Jamil Asghar, A flexible asynchronous ac link for
two area power system networks, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 2039-2049, Oct 2019. [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 4.131]
- S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Very fast measurement of low speed of rotating machines using rotating magnetic field,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 759-766, March 2012. [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 4.016]
Imdadullah, SM Amrr, A. Iqbal, MSJ Asghar, “Comprehensive performance analysis of flexible asynchronous AC link under various unbalanced grid voltage conditions,” Energy Reports, Volume 7, November 2021, Pages 750-761. [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 6.87]
- Imdadullah; Alamri, B.; Hossain, M.A.; Asghar, M.S.J. Electric Power Network Interconnection: A Review on Current Status, Future Prospects and Research Direction. Electronics 2021, 10, 2179. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10172179.[SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor:2.397]
- M. M. Khan, Imdadullah, J. Nebhen and H. Rahman, "Research on Variable Frequency Transformer: A Smart Power Transmission Technology," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 105588-105605, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3099747.[SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.367]
Imdadullah, AR Beig and MSJ Asghar, “Performance Evaluation and Reliability of Flexible Asynchronous AC Link and LCC–HVDC Link Under Fault Conditions,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 120562-120574, 2020. [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.367]
Imdadullah, S. M. Amrr, M. S. Jamil Asghar, I. Ashraf and M. Meraj, A Comprehensive Review of Power Flow Controllers in Interconnected Power System Networks," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 8036-18063, 2020. [SCI-Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.367]
S. J.Arif, Imdadullah and S. H. Laskar,“Instantaneous Angular Speed Measurement for Low SpeedMachines” Journal of Innovative Systems Design and Engineering published by International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE), USA, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 21-32, 2012
S. J. Arif, Imdadullah and M. S. J. Asghar, “Accurate Measurement of Velocity and Acceleration of Seismic Vibrations near Nuclear Power Plants,” Elsevier Journal of Physics Procedia, vol.37, pp.43-50, 2012.
S. J.Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Rotating Magnetic Field based Measurement of Large Machine Vibrations,” International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Special Issue on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering, Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, pp. 12-16, Dec. 2011
- Imdadullah, H. Rahman, and M. S. Jamil Asghar, A flexible asynchronous ac link for
two area power system networks, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 2039-2049, Oct 2019.
Patent Granted
- M. S. Jamil Asghar and Imdadullah, A flexible asynchronous ac link (FASAL) system, Patent No. 296524, May 4, 2018.