I am Dr. Mohd Kaleem Khan working as Professor Department of Forensic Medicine. I did my studies from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India.
I have been educated and trained in medical science with special orientation in forensic medicine and toxicology. I am a lifelong learner with keen interest in Research and improving in the quality of medical education. I am keenly interested in developing new courses (online and offline) and spread medical education through different methodologies. Developing and designing short courses and training medical graduate and post graduates are my area of expertise. I take pride in Medical teaching in the form of lectures, demonstration, and micro and macro teaching methods. Being a constant researcher and learner I have gone through different training courses and programs in the field of forensic medicine and medical education research. As an enthusiast and constant pursuer I keep learning and researching to gain knowledge and always try to spread knowledge by teaching and writing.
· I am presently working as an editor to various national and international journals including, the National Editorial Board of IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences, and Associate Editor to the journal; Advances in Clinical Toxicology (ACT).
· Reviewer to various journals including Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal,, Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Neurology, etc.
· I am working as Superintendent Examination of Medical Faculty Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, Uttar Pradesh, India.
· Being In charge, of the Clinical Forensic Medicine Unit in Trauma Center J N Medical College A. M. U., Aligarh established under the Department of Forensic Medicine, worked on various medico legal cases and solved many cases of crime along with Uttar Pradesh police and given training to police officers on medico legal issues. I am member of different committees and boards working on behalf of the University, for Government of Uttar Pradesh, and the Government of India.
· I was privileged to be a resource person at various conferences, lectures, and workshops and work with the Uttar Pradesh Government on medico-legal works helping in the disbursement of justice.
- Accidental Hanging on Loaded Sugar Cane Trolley-A Case Report
Accidental Hanging on Loaded Sugar Cane Trolley-A Case Report, Mohd Kaleem Khan, Shaukat Arif Hanif; Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences (2012) 2, 139–141.
- Boomerang of bullet from the chest cavity— an autopsy case Download PDF
Background What if you fire a bullet and, like a boomerang, it comes back towards you after hitting the target, leaving
no trace in the body.
Case presentation A similar case was presented to us for an autopsy at the district mortuary, Aligarh, with a bullet
unusually ricocheting within the thoracic cavity and taking almost path of incidence after grazing over the 3rd rib and
coming out just closure to the entry wound towards the musketeer. The presence of stippling at both the entrance
and exit wounds poses a challenge to interpreting the track of the injury.
Conclusion Thorough and detailed examination at autopsy and crime-scene investigation revealed a strange ricochet
event within the chest cavity.
Keywords Firearm injury, Bullet, Internal ricochet, Chest cavity, Autopsy, Aligarh
- Cuticular hydrocarbons as weathering biomarkers of empty puparia of the forensically important blowfly Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in soil v/s under room conditions Forensic entomology uses the age of insects, such as blow flies, to determine a minimum post-mortem interval (PMImin). Recent research has focused on using the analysis of specific cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in adult insects and their empty puparia to estimate their age, as it has been shown that their profile changes are consistent with age. The current work is based on the weathering of five CHCs from empty puparia of Calliphora vicina that were stored in soil (field/outdoor) and non-soil (room/indoor conditions) based pupariation media for a total of six months. The experiment was conducted in a controlled environment chamber at a constant temperature of 25 ± 2°C under constant darkness. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to analyze the cuticular hydrocarbons after they were extracted in n-Hexane. n-Pentacosane, n-Hexacosane, n-Heptacosane, n-Octacosane, and n-Nonacosane were the five CHCs investigated. Results showed that CHCs weathered more quickly in the soil than in the non-soil environment. It was also found that the abundance of Heptacosane increased in the samples during the fifth month when stored in a non-soil medium, while the abundances of all five CHCs were not detected after eight weeks onwards in soil pupation medium.
- Sexual Gratification in Lockdown
Sexual Gratification in Lockdown ; Mohd. Kaleem Khan Kashif Ali; Journal of Forensic Medicine Science and Law ; 2022;31(1): 105-107
- Deaths in railways and role of forensic medicine
Deaths in railways and role of forensic medicine; Mohd Kaleem Khan; IP International Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicological Sciences 2022;7(3): 70–72
- Medical termination of pregnancy (Amendment) ACT 2021- A review
- Fatal colorectal injury by compressed air through anal insufflation
- Accidental Hanging between Ventilation Window and Air Condition Unit , A Very Unusual Death- A Case Report
- A Case of Self Slitting of Throat as a Result of Cannabis Induced Psychosis
- Aluminum Phosphide Poisoning and Blast in Gastric Tube a Rare Phenomenon- A Case Report
- Profile of Medico-legal Cases Admitted in the Department of Emergency.,F.H.M.C., Tundla, Uttar Pradesh
- Pattern of Suicidal and Para-Suicidal cases at J.N.M.C.H., A.M.U., Aligarh
- Neuroglycopaenia Automatism and Driving Culpability
- High Voltage Electric Burn Injury to Penis-A Case Report
- Doctors and Medico Legal Examination of Victims of Sexual Offenses.
Doctors and Medico Legal Examination of Victims of Sexual Offenses. MK KHAN, International Journal of Forensic Science & Pathology 3 (6), 136-138.
- Lip print: An Aid to Human Identification.
Lip print: An Aid to Human Identification. Dr. Umar Bin Abdul Aziz. Dr. Mohd Kaleem Khan. Dr. C.B. Tripathy.,Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Jan-June., 2015, Vol.9, No.1.
- Profile of Poisoning Cases in JNMCH, District Aligarh: A Prospective Study
Profile of Poisoning Cases in JNMCH, District Aligarh: A Prospective Study. Umar Bin Abdul Aziz. Mohd Kaleem Khan.Shaukat Arif Hanif. C.B. Tripathy.,Medico legal Update.2014, Vol.14, No.2
- Unusual Scrotal Injury by Cycle Hand Brake- A Case Report.
Unusual Scrotal Injury by Cycle Hand Brake- A Case Report. Mohd. Kaleem Khan. Mohammad, Sadik Akhtar. Shaukat A. Hanif. Imran Ghani., International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2014; 4(1): 23-26.
- Accidental Degloving of Penile Skin – A Case Report,
Accidental Degloving of Penile Skin – A Case Report, Mohd. Kaleem Khan. Manzoor Ahmad. Shaukat A. Hanif. Manoj Kumar; Medicolegal Update. 2013; Vol.13, No.2, 50-3.
- Pattern of Fatal Head Injury in Reported Cases at J.N.M.C. Hospital, A.M.U., Aligarh
Pattern of Fatal Head Injury in Reported Cases at J.N.M.C. Hospital, A.M.U., Aligarh. Mohd Kaleem Khan. Afzal Haroon.Shaukat Arif Hanif, Munawwar Husain. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. July-Dec., 2012, Vol.6, No.2.
- A Case of Self Amputation of Penis by Cannabis Induced Psychosis
A Case of Self Amputation of Penis by Cannabis Induced Psychosis. Mohd. Kaleem Khan, Mohammad Amir Usmani, Shaukat A. Hanif; Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 19 (2012) 355-357.
- Pattern of Non-Fatal head injury in adult cases reported in J. N. M. C. Hospital A.M.U, Aligarh Pattern of Non-Fatal head injury in adult cases reported in J. N. M. C. Hospital A.M.U, Aligarh;
Mohd. Kaleem Khan, Shaukat Arif Hanif, Munawwar Husain, M. Fakhrul Huda; Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine Year 2011, Volume-33, Issue-1
- Self-Autonomy and Informed Consent in Clinical Setup Self-Autonomy and Informed Consent in Clinical Setup. Mohd Kaleem Khan, Shaukat Arif Hanif;
Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. August., 2010, Vol.64, No.8
- Suicide Ideation During the COVID-19 Pandemic,