MD Moalejat, PG Diploma in Hospital Management
Assistant Professor
Clinical intervention of Ilaj-Bit-Tadbeer in the management of different diseases specially Respiratory & Lifestyle Diseases, Pain management through different modalities of Ilaj-Bit-Tadbeer i.e. Cupping Therapy, Venisection, Takmeed etc
A-1 Third Floor Ruby Apartment Bader Bagh Civil Lines Aligarh 202001
Born in a small town Sadullah Nager Distt Balrampur UP and started his primary education from BHI Montessori School and completed his education till Secondary School from his hometown itself. At Senior Secondary level joined the AMU and completed his UG (BUMS) & PG (MD Moalejat) from this prestigious university in 2006. Before joining Department of Ilaj-Bit-Tadbeer AMU Aligarh as Assistant professor, I have served Deoband Unani Medical College hospital & Jamia Tibbiya Deoband Saharan Pur as a Lecturer and was Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the department of TB & Respiratory Diseases JN Medical College AMU Aligarh. Since my PG education I have attended many National & International conferences and presented Research Papers on a wide range of topics and published many papers in reputed journals of national & International fame. Now my area of interest is intervention of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer in the management of different Respiratory & Lifestyle Diseases and pain management through different Tadabeer of IBT. I am also very keenly interested in the validation of different basic Unani concepts in the light of recent advancement of Medical and basic sciences. In classroom teaching I emphasize on development of clinical sense with the understanding of basic concepts of Unani Medicine with recent advancement through Blackboard teaching. Some journal of repute my papers have been published including international Journal of Society of History of Islamic Medicine, Turkey, Hamdard Medicus Pakistan, Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine N. Delhi India.
- Nutrition and Immunity in the light of Unani Medicine Integrated Community Health Volume 9, Issue 1 – 2020 PP 35-38
- Wajul-Fiqaria Unqi’ (Cervical Spondylosis) and Efficacy of ‘Safoof-e-Suranjan’ and ‘Habb-e-Gul-e- Aakh’ along with Exercise and Massage with ‘Roghan-e-Baboona
- Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine N Delhi (India), July-September, 2012, 7 (3): 25-35.
- Effect of Hijama Bil Shart, (Wet Cupping Therapy) in Treatment of Waja al Zahr (Low Back Ache): A Randomized Standerd Controlled Clinical Study Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2021
- Immunomodulation and Unani Medicine
Unimed Kulliyat Jan-June 2020 Vol XII issue 1
- Developments in the understanding of Bronchial Asthma and Contribution of Greeco-Arab Physicians
Journal of Integrated Community Health Voi. 9, Issue 2-2020:22-27
- Miswak: in the Light of Graeco – Islamic Medicine The Journal of The International Society for The History of Islamic Medicine in Vol.10-11 no.19,20,21,22 April/October 2011-2012