Prof. Abu Waris Jamil

    M.Sc. (Zoology), B.Ed. & M.D. (Kulliyat wa Ilmul Amraz)




    Unani Medicine


    Baitul Hikmat, Street No.- 13, Barauli Road Byepass, Patwari Nagla, Aligarh (UP) 202002 INDIA




Name : ABU WARIS JAMIL Designation: PROFESSOR Department: ILMUL AMRAZ, FACULTY OF UNANI MEDICINE Contact Details: 9897618267 E-mail ID : Office Address : DEPARTMENT OF ILMUL AMRAZ FACULTY OF UNANI MEDICINE A. K. TIBBIYA COLLEGE AMU, ALIGARH Permanent Home Town Address: Mohalla- Rudderpur, Gorakhpur (UP) Profile: - Post graduate in Zoology & M.D. in Kulliyat wa Ilmul Amraz, about 23 years of teaching & training experience to UG & PG students of Unani Medicine. - Research papers and articles published in Journal - Science Ki Duniya, UNIMED, SIFSA, Tajdeed Tibb, Aaina-e-Tibb, Attabeeb, Tibb-e-Sehat Jadeed, Qaumi Awaz Zameema, Hamdard Sehat, Tahzeeb ul Akhlaque. - Former Hony. Director of SIFSA Project, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. Of India; supervised eight (08) MD (Unani) theses. - Achieved Abdul Mughni Award 2011 from Bihar Urdu Academy on authored book Tuazihat Asbaab-e-Sittah Zarooriyah - Publications: List attached. - Working Papers (Conferences): a. -International - 03 b. -National - 30 -Books: (A) Published Books: (i) Tawzihat Asbaab-e-Sittah Zarooriyah* (ii) Tawzihat-e-Kulliyat (iii) Kitabul Ahwia *Awarded by Bihar Urdu Academy 2011 (B) Edited Journal: (i) Tajdeed-e-Tibb, sponsored by Department of Kulliyat, A. K.Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh from 1988 -1999. - Paper presented as Co-author entitled "Assessment of Metabolic Functions of Liver through Total Serum Protein in Choleric & Phlegmatic Individuals" Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 5.761 - Paper presented as Co-author entitled "Estimation of Serum Total Protein To Asses Metabolic Functions of Liver In Safravi & Balghami Mizaj Individuals" - Paper presented as Co-author entitled "Obesity (Siman-e-Mufrat) In Greeco -Arabic (Unani) Perspective: A Review" Paper presented as Co-author entitled: Mizaj: Theory of Greeko-Arabic Medicine for Health and Disease; Scientific Journal Impact Factor (2012)= 3.335 -Participated in "Author Workshop on 3rd November, 2016 at AMU, Aligarh" organized by Springer Nature and AMU. - Participated and chaired a Scientific Session on 21 -22 March, 2017 in National Conference on Moalejat (MCON' 17) in the Department of Moalejat, A. K. Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh. - Participated and chaired a Scientific Session of National Conference on Depression - Holistic & Integrated Approach in its Management held on 7th -8th April, 2017 organized by Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tibb (PSM), Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh. -Member of Advisory Board of National Conference cum Workshop on Intervention of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer in the Management of Pain & Disability held on 7 -8 March, 2016 in the Department of Ilaj Bit Tadbeer, A. K. Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh - Expert for Selection Committee by CSJM University, Kanpur in the subject Mahiyat-ul-Amraz - Evaluator in the subject Mahiyatul Amraz at CSJM University, Kanpur (UP) India - Nominated at present as AMU Court Member. 1.Special Summer School 4th -27th Aug., 2008 UGC at Academic Staff College, AMU 2.ROTP in Kulliyat 5th -10th May, 2008 UGC at Academic Staff College, AMU 3.ROTP in Kulliyat 24th Feb -1st March, 2009 UGC at Academic Staff College, AMU - Interaction between Bacteria & Human Host in perspective of Diseases -International Seminar on Unani Medicine 25th -26th March, 2011 A. K. Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh - International Holistic Approach of Istifragh & Ihtibas, International Seminar on Unani Medicine 5th -7th Nov., 2007 PG Dept. Of Kulliyat, AKTC, AMU - International Food & Adulteration, National Seminar on Unani Medicine, 15th May, 2007, A. K. Tibbiya College, Akkalkuwa - National Role of Istifragh wa Ihtibas to Health & Diseases, National Seminar on Unani Medicine 6th January, 2007 Niamath Science Academy, Chennai - National Bacterial Envelop, 25th May,2009, Invited Lecture on Reorientation & Training Programme for Teachers in Ilmul Amraz Govt. Nizamiya Tibbi College, Hyderabad - Reorientation Training Programme on Environment Pathology in the Speciality of Kulliyat-e-Tibb, 17th March, 2009 - Invited Lecture on Reorientation & Training Programme for Teachers in Ilmul Amraz, Govt. Nizamiya Tibbi College,Hyderabad - Reorientation Training Programme Kulliyat ke chand Aham Nukaat,5th March, 2010, Invited Lecture on Reorientation & Training Programme, Dept. Of Kulliyat, F/o Medicine (U), Jamia Hamdard, Delhi - Reorientation Training Programme,Basic Principle of Unani System of Medicine,11th May, 2009 - Reorientation Training Programme in Kulliyat Z.V. M. Unani Medical College, Pune & AYUSH Reorientation Training Programme