M.D. (Kulliyat Umoor-e-Tabiya)
Assistant Professor
Mahiyatul Amraz
Riyaz Colony, , Aligarh (UP) 202122
Working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Ilmul Amraz. He completed his B.U.M.S. and M.D. in the subject of Kulliyat Umoore Tabiya from, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh. After completing his Doctor of Medicine (MD), joined Hakim Rais Unani Medical College (Sambhal) as Lecturer and also worked as a Senior Research Fellow (S.R.F.) in R.R.I.U.M. (Aligarh). During his tenure in R.R.I.U.M. (C.C.R.U.M.), he was actively involved in designing Research Project, assisted various clinical Research Projects, and coordinated a Long Term Training Program on Research Methodology in collaboration with the Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh. He has a number of Research Publications in reputed National & International Journals to his credit, namely Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, Journal of Indian System of Medicine, Annals of Ayurvedic medicine, International Human Research Journal, etc. Two Chapters were written in a book entitled "Fundamentals & Physiodynamizm of Human Body in Unani System Medicine". He also participated in UGC sponsored Workshop on "How to deliver Smart classroom Teaching" and recently precipitated in five days training program on Traditional Medicine sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. He is actively engaged in teaching and training UG & PG students with help of using smart classes and ICT.
- Ahmer, S. M., Fahad, A., & Javed Ali, S. (2023). A Comprehensive Review on Plethora: Etiopathogenesis, Signs, Symptoms, and Complications from the perspective of the Unani Medicine. Journal of Natural Remedies, 23(2), 351–360.
- Analysis of Stress Level Through EEG and Its Management with Special Reference to Unani Principles
- Importance Of Spiritual Health And The Role Of Physicians
Ahmer S. M., Khan N. A., Khan Mansoor, et al, “Importance Of Spiritual Health And The Role Of Physicians” Excellence International Journal of Education & Research, ISSN- 2322 -0147, 2014:2;4.
- Assessment of Total Body Water in Damvi and Safravi Mizaj of Healthy Male by Non -Invasive Anthropometric based Equation Ahmer, S. M., Hafiz Iqtidar Ahmad & Dr. Ferasat Ali, “Assessment of Total Body Water in Damvi and Safravi Mizaj of Healthy Male by Non -Invasive Anthropometric based Equation” International journal of development research. 2014; 04(7):1434-1438p.
- Assessment of Metabolic Function of Liver through Total Serum Protein in Choleric & Phlegmatic Individuals Ahmer S. M., Ferasat Ali, Abu Waris Jamil “Assessment of Metabolic Function of Liver through Total Serum Protein in Choleric & Phlegmatic Individuals” Paripex- Indian Journal of Research, ISSN: 2250-1991
- Obesity (Siman-e-Mufrit) In Greeco-Arabic Perspective: A Review
Ahmer S. M., Khan Mansoor, Abu Waris Jamil et- al “Obesity (Siman-e-Mufrit) In Greeco-Arabic Perspective: A Review” Journal of Unani, Siddha & Homeopathy (STM Journal), ISSN: 2394-1960, Vol-2, Issue-1, pp-10-16. ,-UGC Listed Journal.
- Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) by Leech Therapy: A Case Study Shariq A. Khan, S. Rehman, Ahmer S. M., “Management of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) by Leech Therapy: A Case Study, Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, 2016; 11(4): 83-90
- An Investigation into Concepts of Uroscopy as Viewed by Renowned Unani Physicians
Nazmeen, Fahad Ataullah, Ahmer S. M., "An Investigation into Concepts of Uroscopy as Viewed by Renowned Unani Physicians" International Journal of Advances in Health Sciences (IJHS), 6(1): 05 -09, ISSN 2349 -7033.
- Teaching Effectiveness of Medical Professionals with Respect to the Viewpoint of Students of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh
M.M Wamiq Amin, Ahmer S. M., Madiha Parvez “Teaching Effectiveness of Medical Professionals with Respect to the Viewpoint of Students of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh”, Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences (STM), 2020; 7(2)-UGC Listed Journal.
- Cutaneous Manifestation of Amraz-e-Kabid (Liver Diseases) : A Review
Ahmer S M, Fahad Ataullah, M M Wamiq Amin, “Cutaneous Manifestation of Amraz-e-Kabid (Liver Diseases) : A Review” Annals Ayurvedic Med. 2020; 9 (3)-UGC Listed Journal.
- Efficacy & Safety of Hijäma bi’l Shart (Wet Cupping) in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis
M M Wamiq Amin, Ahmer S M “Efficacy & Safety of Hijäma bi’l Shart (Wet Cupping) in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis” Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine 15 (1), 61-74,-UGC Listed Journal.
- Geriatric care in pandemic era: From the perspective of Unani medicine guidelines
- The concept and importance of Arkan: Basic Constituent of Human Body
Ahmer S. M., Ali Ferasat “The concept and importance of Arkan: Basic Constituent of Human Body” Journal of Integrated Community Health, 2013; 2(2): 04-16.
- Mizaj: Theory of Greko -Arabic Medicine for Health and Disease Ahmer S. M., Ferasat Ali, et- al “Mizaj: Theory of Greko -Arabic Medicine for Health and Disease”, Asian Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine 03 (01); 2015; 01-09.
- Harmful Effects of Junk Food & Its Prevention By Unani System of Medicine
Ahmer, S. M., Ali Ferasat “Harmful Effects of Junk Food & Its Prevention By Unani System of Medicine”Journal of Integrated Community Health, 2012; 1(2): 34-40.
- Unani Perspective on Etiopathogenesis of Ziabetus Sukari (Diabetes Mellitus): A Review
Fahad Ataullah, Nazmeen, Ahmer S. M., "Unani Perspective on Etiopathogenesis of Ziabetus Sukari (Diabetes Mellitus): A Review" Journal of Integrated Community Health, 2018; 7(2): 11 -14.
- Atibba-e-Unan wa Arab ki Khidmat: Nazariya-e-Jaraseem ke Tanazur mein
- Khilt-e-Safra: Ek Tehqiqi Jayeza
Ahmer S. M., Ali Ferasat “Khilt-e-Safra: Ek Tehqiqi Jayeza” in UNIMED Kulliyat, 2015; 8(2): 37-41.
- Prevalence of Fissure –in -Ano among the Patients of Anorectal Complaints Visiting Nium Hospital
Khan R. M., Itrat M., Ansari A. H., Ahmer S. M., Zulkifle (2015) Prevalence of Fissure –in -Ano among the Patients of Anorectal Complaints Visiting Nium Hospital. J Community Med Health Educ. 5: 344. doi:10.4172/2161-0711.1000344.
- Evaluation of Temperament in Relation to the Age
Ahmer, S. M., Ali Ferasat “Evaluation of Temperament in Relation to the Age” Journal of Integrated Community Health,2012; 1(1): 13-18p.
- Unani Approach to the Prevention & Control of Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Fahad Ataullah, Nazmeen, Ahmer S. M., "Unani Approach to the Prevention & Control of Type II Diabetes Mellitus" UNIMED Kulliyat, April, 2018 –Sept., 2018; 10(2): 23 -26.
- Alzheimer’s Disease in Perspective of Unani System of Medicine
Ahmer S. M., Ali Shariq“Alzheimer’s Disease in Perspective of Unani System of Medicine”, International Human Research Journal, 2015; 3(3):1-9.
- Cystitis
- Benzidine Test