Assistant Professor
Non communicable diseases of pediatrics
shiekhan street, upper fort, aligarh
Having a teaching experience of more than 16years, for the past 08 years working in Ilmul Atfal (Pediatrics), I am trained in IMNCI (Integrated Management of Neonates and Childhood Illnesses) by the Government of India. My areas of interest in Pediatrics are Non infectious diseases and problems related to Adolescents including Allergic and Autoimmune disorders. Having research in Diabetes including research publications. Previously works in the department of Ilaj bit Tadbeer was among the founder members of the department play important role in it's establishment. Having a vast job experience in private as well as public sector. Published more than 40 research papers till date. I am a born Alig and Aligarianism is in my genetics as both of my parents were Alig too. I have started my journey from APS (Aligarh Public School) than join City High School currently Raja Mahendra Partap City High School, completed my graduation and post graduation(Moalejat) from Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh. Having interest in extra curricular activities currently Captain of College Cricket Team of Teachers, organised workshops, sports week, seminars and ROTPs. In charge of Internrnship training. Delivered more than 18 lectures as a Resource person in private and public sector institutions. Member of Board of Studies, department of Ilmul Atfal Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi.
- Tracing the Children in Contact of Sputum Smear Negative Adults is the Need of the Hour to Achieve WHO “Stop TB Strategy Download PDF
tuberculosis control lost its steam in covid, further seonegative patient can spread it more frequently, hence by awareness we can achieve the goal of WHO.
- Cinical Evaluation of Safoof-e-Mudir in Hurqat-ul- Baul M ANAS, M. SHOAIB, M.M.H. SIDDIQUI Download PDF
- Clinical Evaluation of A Unani (Qurse Mufsalin) Formulation in Knee Osteoarthrilis Download PDF
- A Clinical Study of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis with Application of Wet Cupping and Majoon Chob Chini in its treatment Download PDF
- Comparative Analytical Study of the Efficacy of unani formulation with reference to oligospermia Download PDF
- Importance of Breastfeeding for Child and Maternal Health Download PDF
- Evaluation of Efficacy of a Unani Formulation in the Management of Zightul-Dam-Qavilbtadai (Primary Hypertension)
- Etiopathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus from Past to Present Download PDF
- Pediatric Concern in Covid 19 and of Unani Role Medicine in its Management Download PDF
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- Antihyperglycaemic Effect of Azadirachta indica Juss. and Trigonella foenum-graceum Linn. on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Download PDF
- importance of Asbab e sitta zarooriya in maintaining health with special reference to harkat e badni Download PDF
- evaluation of therapeutic massage in pediatric care. Download PDF
- therapeutic evaluation of a polyherbal formulation in type2 diabetes mellitus
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD): Unani concept and its possible management Download PDF
- Publications
- Anas M., Mohsin M., Siddiqi M &Mannan A, “Therapeutic evaluation of Polyherbal Unani formulation on Type 2 Diabetes mellitus” India Journal of Traditional Knowledge, CSIR, New Delhi, Vol.10 (4) Oct. 2011, pp 711-715,
- Anas M., Mannan A., Siddiqui M. and Zaidi S., “Etiopathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus from Past to Present”, Indian Journal of Unani Medicine, in vol. V, issue 1. 2012, pp 1-4.
- Riaz A, Zarnigar, Wani P, Khan M N, Anas M, “Importance of Breastfeeding for Child and Maternal Health” Indian Journal of Unani Medicine, vol V, issue 1, 2012 pp 97-102.
- Anas, M., Mannan A., Siddiqi M. and Siddiqui M.M.H.,“Antihyperglycaemic effect of Azadirachta indica & Trigonella foenum graceum on type 2 diabetes mellitus”, Hippocratic journal of Unani Medicine Vol 8 Number 1, January- March 2013, pp 67-78 .
- Riaz A., Wani P., Anas. M. and Zarnigar, “Physical activity – A tool to rejuvenate older people” Indian journal of Unani Medicine vol. VI, issue 1, 2013,pp 1-6.
- Anas M., M. M. H. Siddiqui, M. Shoaib, Naseer M, “Comparative clinical study of Unani poly pharmaceutical formulations in Fart-e-Tadassum Fid Dam (hyper-lipidaemia)” journal of Medical Erudite, vol 02 Issue 01, 2014, pp 37-46.
M. Naseer, M. Arif, A. Mannan, M. Sidiqui, M. Anas, “Evaluation of Efficacy of a Unani Formulation in the Management of Zightl-Dam-Qavi Ibtidai” (Primary Hypertension) Journal of Medical Erudite, vol 02 Issue 01, 2014, pp 47-57.
- Anas M., M. M. H. Siddiqui “Comparative Analytical study of the Efficacy of Unani Formulations with reference to Oligospermia” Hippocratic journal of Unani Medicine Vol 10(1), 2015, pp 23-29.
- Arshi Riaz, Paras Wani, Anas M “Role of Physical Activity In Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Melitus” in International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences 5(6): November-December 2015, pp 232-239.
- M Anas, M Mohsin,M Shoaib “Sharaiyt-e-Murzia, Mwaniat,Razaat wa Saqoot-e-Labn ka Tehqeeqi Mutaala” Turjumane Tib, issue 02 NIUM, Banglore 2016.
- M Anas, M Mohsin, M Shoaib, “Evaluation of Therapeutic Massage (Dalak) in Pediatric care” Journal of Integrated Community Health vol. 05 issue 02, 2016. P 48-52.
- M. Anas MMH Siddiqui, A Riaz, M. Shoaib, “Importance of Asbab e Sitta zarooriya in maintaining health with special reference to Harkat e Badni”, Unimed.
- M. Anas, Asia Sultana, Ayesha Farha “Exploring the Physiotherapeutic Strategies for the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis” Journal of Medical Erudite 2016.
- M. Shoaib M. Anas M. Mohsin, “Clinical Evaluation of a Unani formulation (Qurse Mufsalin) in Knee Osteoarthritis” Indian Journal of Unani Medicine vol 9 issue 2 July- December 2016, p 85-89.
- M Anas, SA Naaz, M Shoaib, A Sultana, “Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder(ADHD): Unani concept and its possible management”, Unimed Kulliyat vol 10 Issue 1, April2017- March 2018, p38-42.
- M Shoaib, M Anas, M Mohsin, A Sultana, “Muqaddam Ziyabitus Shakri: Tarz e Hayat ki badnazmi”, Unimed Kulliyat vol 10 Issue1, April2017- March 2018, p22-30.
- sharait e Murziya, Mwaniyat e razaat wa saqoot e laban
- Muqaddam Ziyabitus shakri: Tarz e hayat ki badnazmi Download PDF
- Publication
- Anas M., Mohsin M., Siddiqi M &Mannan A, “Therapeutic evaluation of Polyherbal Unani formulation on Type 2 Diabetes mellitus” India Journal of Traditional Knowledge, CSIR, New Delhi, Vol.10 (4) Oct. 2011, pp 711-715,
- Anas M., Mannan A., Siddiqui M. and Zaidi S., “Etiopathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus from Past to Present”, Indian Journal of Unani Medicine, in vol. V, issue 1. 2012, pp 1-4.
- Riaz A, Zarnigar, Wani P, Khan M N, Anas M, “Importance of Breastfeeding for Child and Maternal Health” Indian Journal of Unani Medicine, vol V, issue 1, 2012 pp 97-102.
- Anas, M., Mannan A., Siddiqi M. and Siddiqui M.M.H.,“Antihyperglycaemic effect of Azadirachta indica & Trigonella foenum graceum on type 2 diabetes mellitus”, Hippocratic journal of Unani Medicine Vol 8 Number 1, January- March 2013, pp 67-78 .
- Riaz A., Wani P., Anas. M. and Zarnigar, “Physical activity – A tool to rejuvenate older people” Indian journal of Unani Medicine vol. VI, issue 1, 2013,pp 1-6.
- Anas M., M. M. H. Siddiqui, M. Shoaib, Naseer M, “Comparative clinical study of Unani poly pharmaceutical formulations in Fart-e-Tadassum Fid Dam (hyper-lipidaemia)” journal of Medical Erudite, vol 02 Issue 01, 2014, pp 37-46.
M. Naseer, M. Arif, A. Mannan, M. Sidiqui, M. Anas, “Evaluation of Efficacy of a Unani Formulation in the Management of Zightl-Dam-Qavi Ibtidai” (Primary Hypertension) Journal of Medical Erudite, vol 02 Issue 01, 2014, pp 47-57.
- Anas M., M. M. H. Siddiqui “Comparative Analytical study of the Efficacy of Unani Formulations with reference to Oligospermia” Hippocratic journal of Unani Medicine Vol 10(1), 2015, pp 23-29.
- Arshi Riaz, Paras Wani, Anas M “Role of Physical Activity In Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Melitus” in International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences 5(6): November-December 2015, pp 232-239.
- M Anas, M Mohsin,M Shoaib “Sharaiyt-e-Murzia, Mwaniat,Razaat wa Saqoot-e-Labn ka Tehqeeqi Mutaala” Turjumane Tib, issue 02 NIUM, Banglore 2016.
- M Anas, M Mohsin, M Shoaib, “Evaluation of Therapeutic Massage (Dalak) in Pediatric care” Journal of Integrated Community Health vol. 05 issue 02, 2016. P 48-52.
- M. Anas MMH Siddiqui, A Riaz, M. Shoaib, “Importance of Asbab e Sitta zarooriya in maintaining health with special reference to Harkat e Badni”, Unimed.
- M. Anas, Asia Sultana, Ayesha Farha “Exploring the Physiotherapeutic Strategies for the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis” Journal of Medical Erudite 2016.
- M. Shoaib M. Anas M. Mohsin, “Clinical Evaluation of a Unani formulation (Qurse Mufsalin) in Knee Osteoarthritis” Indian Journal of Unani Medicine vol 9 issue 2 July- December 2016, p 85-89.
- M Anas, SA Naaz, M Shoaib, A Sultana, “Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder(ADHD): Unani concept and its possible management”, Unimed Kulliyat vol 10 Issue 1, April2017- March 2018, p38-42.
- M Shoaib, M Anas, M Mohsin, A Sultana, “Muqaddam Ziyabitus Shakri: Tarz e Hayat ki badnazmi”, Unimed Kulliyat vol 10 Issue1, April2017- March 2018, p22-30.