Dr. Md Kaikubad Ali

    B.A. Geography Honors, M.A. Geography, Ph.D., B.Ed.


    Guest Faculty


    RS & GIS in Urban Planning, Applied Cartography, RS and GIS Applications in Natural Resource Management, Climate Change, Urbanization and Land use dynamics


    IDRS & GIS Applications, AMU, Aligarh - 202002





Dr. Md Kaikubad Ali joined as a Guest Teacher at the Interdisciplinary Department of RS and GIS Applications in August 2023. He completed his graduation, post-graduation, and PhD from Aligarh Muslim University. His research interests are the applications of RS and GIS in natural resource management, urbanization, land use dynamics, climate change, and urban planning.

Dr Ali worked at the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) as a Post-doctoral Fellow (2022-2023), where he applied geospatial techniques to map climate change vulnerabilities and developed an assessment framework for urban planning to adapt and mitigate climate change in selected cities of Western Uttar Pradesh.

He also worked as a Research Assistant at the Transdisciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies, Center for Social Science Policy, JNU, New Delhi, where he was responsible for identifying and mapping suitable locations for constructing water reservoir dams in Gurugram under the project Technology Implementation for Water Management System.

His research on urbanization, land use dynamics, and urban planning using remote sensing and GIS technologies has been published in peer-reviewed and refereed journals. Besides, he regularly writes op-eds and articles in newspapers on various social and environmental issues.

Dr Ali received the Aligarh Muslim University Students Research and Innovation Convention Award - 2019 for a research presentation on “Geospatial Approaches for Smart Urban Planning in Aligarh City.”