B.U.M.S. , M.D. (Kulliyat)
Aiwan-e-Razi, Opp.Fanoos, Iqra road, Hadi nagar, Dhorra, Aligarh 202002
When my graduation was finished in Unani System of Medicine in 1988, I took interest in its fundamental principles upon which it has been established and broadly known as Kulliyat Umoor-e-Tabia. The title of my thesis work was given as"MIZAJ-E-INSANI KA JAIZAH BAETABAR-E-AQALEEM-E-SABAH" (A Study of Human Temperament in the Perspective Of Seven Zones) I completed my post graduation (MD-K) in 1992 and joined the Dept of Kulliyat as a lecturer on 14th Nov, 1992 and under the guide lines of carrier advancement scheme led by UGC, I became Associate professor on 14th Nov, 2002. I teach Kulliyat Umoor Tabia at UG and PG level as subject. I also shared History of Medicine for teaching BUMS students with Dr Shirani. From the very beginning when I was research scholar, I took interest in writing research paper and got published in different journals i.e. Tahziul Akhlaque (At that time, no any journal was available in Unani System of Medicine), Cure All Journal of Unani Medicine, Hamdard Medicus, Pakistan, Jahan-e-Tib, UniMed-Kulliyat, The Geographer. The area of my specialization is Temperology which deals with estates of the body at which its morphological expressions and physiological functions are performed in accordance to the demands made by environment.
code: UNKL00082
Registration Number: 6740
Teacher code: UNKL00082
Registration Number: 6740