Prof. Mohammad Shahid
MBBS, MD, Ph.D, FNZIMLS, PGDipHSM (New Zealand)
Dept. of Microbiology, JNMC
1. Osman A Dar, Rumina Hasan, Jørgen Schlundt, Stephan Harbarth, Grazia Caleo, Fazal K Dar, Jasper Littmann, Mark Rweyemamu, Emmeline J Buckley, Mohammed Shahid, Richard Kock, Henry Lishi Li, Haydar Giha, Mishal Khan, Anthony D So, Khalid M Bindayna, Anthony Kessel, Hanne Bak Pedersen, Govin Permanand, Alimuddin Zumla, John-Arne Røttingen, David L Heymann (2015). Exploring the evidence base for national and regional policy interventions to combat resistance. THE LANCET (2016) Volume 387, No. 10015, p285?295. (Impact Factor 53.254).
2. M. Shahid (2011). Environmental dissemination of NDM-1: time to act sensibly. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 11(5):334-335. (Impact Factor 25.148).
3. M. Shahid (2010).Citrobacter spp. simultaneously harboring blaCTX-M, blaTEM, blaSHV, blaampC, and insertion sequences- IS26 and ORF513: an evolutionary phenomenon of recent concern for antibiotics resistance. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 48 (5): 1833-1838 (doi:10.1128/JCM.01467-09); published by American Society for Microbiology (Impact Factor= ~ 4.0 ).
4. M. Shahid, M. Singhai, A. Malik, I. Shukla, H. M. Khan, F. Shujatullah, and F. Tahira. (2007). In vitro efficacy of ceftriaxone-sulbactam against Escherichia coli isolates producing CTX-M-15 extended-spectrum β-lactamase. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 60: 187-188(Published by Oxford University Press, U.K.; Imfact Factor: 5.217).
5. Ali S, Malik A, Shahid M, Bhargava R. Pulmonary aspergillosis and aflatoxins in chronic lung diseases. Mycopathologia. 2013 Oct;176(3-4):287-94. doi: 10.1007/s11046-013-9690-8. Epub 2013 Aug 15. (Imfact Factor: 1.528)
6. Mohd. Shahid, Farrukh Sobia, Anuradha Singh, and Haris M. Khan (2012). Concurrent occurrence of blaampC-families, blaCTX-M-genogroups and association with mobile genetic elements ISEcp1, IS26, ISCR1, &Sul-1-Type Class 1 integrons in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae originating from India. J. Clin. Microbiol. 50(5): 1779-1782. published ahead of print 15 February 2012 , doi:10.1128/JCM.06661-11. (Impact Factor= ~ 4.0 ).
7. Mohd. Shahid, Noor Jahan, Anwar Shahzad, AasthaSahai, Shivali Sharma, ShahinaParveen (2012). Antimicrobial potential of Balanitesaegyptiaca, Tylophoraindica, Steviarebaudiana and Cassia sophera: endangered medicinal plant species. Current Medicinal Chemistry, Vol 19: pp 182-183 (Proceedings/Abstract) (Impact Factor 4.63).
8. Singh A, Shahid M, Sobia F, Umesh, Khan HM.(2012). Occurrence and molecular epidemiology of bla(CTX-M), including co-occurrence of bla(TEM) and bla(SHV) genes, and sul1 association in Indian Enterobacteriaceae. International J Antiinfective Agents, 39(2): 184-185. (Impact Factor ~ 3.5).
9. Mohammad Shahid, Anuradha Singh, Farrukh Sobia, Mitul Patel, Haris M. Khan, Abida Malik, Indu Shukla (2011). An Overview of CTX-M β-lactamases: a minireview. Reviews in Medical Microbiology, 22(2): 28-40 (published by William Lippincott U.K).
10. M. Shahid & Abida Malik. (2005). Resistance due to aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from burns patients. Indian Journal of Medical research, 122, 324-329. (Official publication of Indian Council of Medical Research; Impact Factor: 1.6)