Prof. Tanzeel Ahmad
Dr. Tanzeel Ahmad who is currently working as professor in the Department of Moalejat has earlier served at National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bangalore since 2004. He completed BUMS and M.D. (Moalejat) from AMU, Aligarh and has more than 19 years of teaching and research experience. He has guided thesis work of more than 20 MD students. He has published more than 70 research papers.
- Publication
Key Publication
- Amali Sarirriyat
- Amraze Mutaddi wa Wabai
- Amraze Ba’anqaras, Kabid wa Tihal
- Mujarrebate Azam
- Tanzeel Ahmad, Javed A Khan and HumyraTabasum, Clinical Outcome in a Patient of Tahajure Maffasil of Knee Joints Following Application of Leech Therapy: A Case Report, Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2013, 4 (X) pp1-2, ISSN 2230 – 8407 Impact factor: 0.53
- Zaffar Hussain, Tanzeel Ahmad, Ghulamuddin Sofi, Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy and safety of Delphinium denudatum wall (Jadwar) in patients with Diabetic Neuropathy: A Randomised single-blind standard controlled study Am. J. Pharm Health Res 2014;2(10) pp-38-49 ISSN: 2321-3647, Impact Factor 0.678
- Azad Hussain Lone, Tanzeel Ahmad , Mohd Anwar, Gh Sofi, Hashmat Imam, Shahida Habib, Perception of health promotion in Unani herbal medicine, Journal of herbal medicine, vol. 2(2012) issue-1, pp1–5, Elsevier publication. ISSN: 2210-8033 Impact factor: 0.538
- Tanzeel Ahmad, HumyraTabasum and Javed A Khan, Clinical Outcome by Unani regimes in a Patient of weakness of left upper limb following recovery from hemiplegia- A Case Report, Am. J. Pharm Tech Res. 2013: 3 (6) pp1-5, ISSN 2249 – 3387. IC value of journal 6.80
- Azad Hussain Lone, Tanzeel Ahmad, Mohd Anwar, and G. Sofi, Clinical Efficacy and Safety of a Pharmacopial Polyherbal Unani Formulation in Pityriasis Versicolor: A Comparative Randomized Single-Blind Study, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Volume 18, 2012,18(10) 978-982 ISSN: 1075-5535 • Online ISSN: 1557-7708 Impact factor: 1.518
- Tanzeel Ahmad, Chand Usmani, M A Siddiqui and S Abrar, Effect of Unani formulation in the management of rheumatoid arthritis- A clinical study Journal of Research in Unani Medicine, Volume 3, Issue I, January-June 2014 27-32. ISSN:2320-8015
- Azad Hussain Lone, Tanzeel Ahmad, Mohmmad Anwar, Javed Ahmad, Therapeutic evaluation of a Unani herbomineral formulation in chronic urticaria, Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2011; 21: 33-37. ISSN. 1560-9014.
- Tanzeel Ahmad, Mohd. Anwar, Clinical Importance of Leech Therapy, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge NISCAIR, New Delhi, vol.-8 (3), July2009, 443-445. ISSN: 0972-5938 (Print) 0975-1068(Online) Impact Factor: 0.438
- Azad Hussain Lone, Tanzeel Ahmad, Mohammad Anwar, Gh. Sofi, A M Shamim, Role of Massage Therapy in the Management and prevention of diseases: A Case Series of Medicated Massage. IJRAP 2011,2(5) 1474-1477 ISSN:2229-3566 Impact Factor: 0.527
- Humyra Tabasum, Tanzeel Ahmad, Arshid Iqbal, Sarfaraz Alam, Khulanjaan (Alpinia galanga): A novel herb for Melasma management, Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2013; 3(5), pp1-8, ISSN: 2249-3387 Impact Factor 0.9832 IC Value of Journal 6.55
- Ziaul Haque, Tanzeel Ahmad, Danish Mand, Kumari Asma, Mohd. Rumman, Anzar Alam, Medicinal Effect of Kameela and Amraze Jildiya(Skin Diseases) Described in Unani system f Medicine and current research- An Overview. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2015; 4(4): 191-192 ISSN 2320-4818
- Danishmand, Tanzeel Ahmad, Mohd Khalid, Mohd Rumman Khan,Barkati Md. Tarique, Mohd Akmal, Concept of Siman Mufrit (obesity) in Unani system of medicine: A review, International Journal of Herbal Medicine 2015; 3(5): 43-46 ISSN:2321-2187
- Danishmand, Tanzeel Ahmad, Mohd Khalid, Mohd Jafar, Effect of Qurs-e-Luk in overweight adults: A randomized clinical study, Spatula DD. 2015; 5(3):0-0 ISSN: 1309-9914 (Print)
- Ziaul Haque, Tanzeel Ahmad, Danish Mand, Kumari Asma, Mohd. Rumman, Anzar Alam, Gandhak (Sulphur) and its medicinal importance described in Unani Medicine: Mini review Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2015; 4(4): 191-192 ISSN 2320-4818