M.B.B.S. (MCI-9039 New Delhi), MD (Obs. & Gynae) 08-6170 MCI, New Delhi
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Shokat Manzil Dodhpur Aligarh
I am working as a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, JN Medical, College, AMU, Aligarh. After completing my graduation (MBBS) and post-graduation (MD Obs. & Gynae.) from this institution, I was appointed as an Assistant professor in the same Department. My life till date traces rich experiences.
Effective Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC) especially in resource poor settings has been my priority. My thrust areas are high-risk pregnancy and Gynaecological oncology.
I have taken various specialized
training namely NACO UNICEF PPTCT training at Grand Medical College and Sir
J.J. Medical College Mumbai, Ian Donald Diploma Ultrasonography in Obs. &
Gynae., Trainers of Trainees (TOT) for PPIUCD Training at Safdarjung Hospital
New Delhi, Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation
Training Lucknow, NACO Training for a specialist for HIV care & treatment, Kolkata
I have supervised more than 20 MS/MD Thesis
and have 50 Research Papers in various National / International Journals of repute to my credit. I have been an
active participant as Guest Speaker, Panelist and Chairperson in various
conferences/ Workshops/ CME/Training Programs held across the country. I have the privilege to organize IInd MIDTERM CME of UP Chapter OBGYN at my alma mater and various other Workshops and
CMEs from time to time. I am a proud FOGSI fellow and have membership of
various learned bodies like the National Association for Reproductive and Child
health of India (NARCHI), Federation of Obs. & Gynaecological Society of
India (FOGSI), UP chapter of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Indian Medical
Association & Pharmacovigilance Society of India.
Apart from my duties as a clinician & surgeon I am involved with teaching with equal vigour. Inspired by what celebrated physiologist William Harwey said - I profess to learn and to teach anatomy not from books but from dissections, not from the tenets of Philosophers but from the fabric of Nature- I give high impetus on improvising continuously on the techniques of medical education and training. PowerPoint presentations, OSCE, 3D models, animations, classroom demonstrations is what I employ to make learning more effective. Cultivating Medical Ethics, emphasizing the importance of Evidence Based Medicine in young minds, and providing skills and hands-on-training is what I wish to achieve as a teacher. I have a flexible approach to work and espouse team effort in approaching disease prevention and management.
- Publication
Key Publications:
Nishat Akhtar, Parul Singh, Naghma Shahrukh and Aleena Haider, Antenatal rescue corticosteroids and perinatal outcome, International Journal of Reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and Gynecology, 2021; June 10(6): 2312-2315
Nazli Tarannum and Nishat Akhtar, Utility of paperless partogram in labour-management, International Journal of Reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 09 Issue 3 pp1045 to 1049 March 2020
Nazli Tarannum and Nishat Akhtar, Hyperreactive leuteinal: benign tumour associate with pregnancy mimicking ovarian malignancy, International Journal of Reproduction, contraception, obstractics and Gynecology, Vol. 9, Issue 2 Feb 2020
Nishat Akhtar and Nazli Tarannum, Paperless Partogram- A simple and Acceptable alternative to WHO Modified partograph in Resource poor setting, International Journal of Current Research, Vol 12, Issue 01, pp9895-9899, January 2020
Roy Bhramita, Sabzposh Noor Afsahn, Nishat Akhtar , Intravenous Iron Sucrose and Ferric Carboxymaltose (FCM) Versus oral iron in the treatment on postpartum iron deficiency Anemia, International Journal of Science and Research ISSN P-1558-1562 Vol. 7 Issue 3 March 2018
Jain N, Akhtar N, Acceptability, continuation and satisfaction of postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device (PPIUCD) and delayed insertion: a comparative study, International Journal of Reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and Gynecology, 2017; 6: 3540-4
Nasreen Noor, Nishat Akhtar, Neha Gaur, Psuedosarcomatous fibroepithelial Polyp mimicking Carcinoma Cervix- Clinical Dilemma, Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports 2015 3(8A) 735-737
Nishat Akhtar, Nasreen Noor, Monali Pawar, Mermaid and its association with single umbilical Artery: Review of Literature, International Journal of Health Science and Research 2015
D. Mohana Priya, Nishat Akhtar, and Jamal Ahmad, Prevalence of hypothyroidism in infertile women and evaluation of response of treatment for hypothyroidism on infertility, Indian Journal of Endocrinology and metabolism, 2015
Tripti Sharma, Najmul Islam, Jamal Ahmad, Nishat Akhtar, Mujahid Beg; Correlation between bone mineral density and oxidative stress in postmenopausal women, Indian Journal of Endocrinology and metabolism 2015
Neha Jain, Nishat Akhtar, A study to compare the efficacy, safety & outcome of immediate postpartum intrauterine contraceptive Device (PPIUCD) with that of delayed insertion; International Journal of science and research 2015
S. Singh, Nishat Akhtar, J. hmad; Plasma adiponectin levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: Impact of Metformin treatment in a case control study. Vol. 6 pp 382-386 Clinical research and Review 2012
F. Naz, S Jyoti, Nishat Akhtar, M. Afzal, and Y.H. Siddique, Genotoxin damage in Cultural human peripheral blood lymphocytes of oral contraceptive users 13- 301-305 Egyptian J. of Medical Human Genetics 2012.
F. Naz, S Jyoti, Nishat Akhtar, M. Afzal, and Y.H. Siddique Lipid profile of women using oral contraceptive pills, 15 (9): 947-950 Pakistan J. of Biological Sciences. 2012
Shaheen, Imam Bano, Nishat Akhtar, Farah Ziya, Bushra Naheed. A Case Report- Obstruction of labour by an ovarian cyst: A case report. Biomedical Research, 2011; 22(4): 521-522.
Mateen A.B. Patel, Mujahid Beg, Nishat Akhtar, Jamal Ahmad, Khalid J. Farooqui: Serum Calcium, Vitamin D and Parathysoid Hormone Relationship among Diabetic and non-Diabetic Pregnant Women and their neonates, 2010.