Prof. Saima Yunus Khan ( DCI-Reg.No.-A-3281)

    B.D.S(Gold Medalist),M.D.S.,PhD(Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry),FICD,FDS-RCPS(Glasg)




    Research - Preventive Dentistry/Dental Public health





    Time Table


1) Received Copyright from Government of India for original work on -Indian Caries Risk Assessment tool for children <6 years of age.Copyright @Khan et al.,March 28th 2024,L 145987.First Copyright to Dr.Z.A.Dental College,Aligarh Muslim University.

2) International Collaboration with University of Manitoba and Office of Chief Dental Officer of Canada for Caries Risk of Infant,toddlers and ore school children.Funded by  University of Manitoba(2021-2024).

3) Awarded Distinguish Women Award by Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry for immense contribution to the field of Pediatric Dentistry(2024)

4)Awarded the fellowship of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow(2023).

5)Presented original research on "Clinical efficacy of a novel lipid based Thymoquinone gel - A single blinded double armed randomized study at Pedo Virtual Summit 2021-International Conference co - organized by South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry and Bangladesh Society of Pediatric Dentistry (2021);Won the second best paper award under original research category of faculty.

 6)Recipient of IADR John Clarkson Fellowship (2020).First Indian to be awarded.

7) Awarded International College of Dentist Fellowship;South East Asia region(2018).

8) PhD (Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry) from Aligarh Muslim University(2017).

9) International collaboration with University of Maryland, School of Dentistry,USA for the project "Children's Dietary Factors, Caries and Obesity "(2015- 2017)

10) Pierre Fauchard Academy Fellowship (2017).

11) Outstanding Scientist Award for contribution and achievement in the field of Paediatric Dentistry (2016).

12) University topper with 10 Gold Medals. First position in B.D.S I, II,IV and All Professional examination.

13) Recipient of Prestigious Prof D.S. Gupta Award for BDS Best student U.P. state topper.

14)  Awarded certificate of merit from Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry.

15) Presented an original research article entitled "A Step ahead of classical DMFT/deft caries index" at 35th Annual National (Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry) Conference,Jaipur.Won the Best Paper award.

  1. Khan SY, Schroth RJ, Javed F (2025).Development and refinement of Indian Caries Risk Assessment Tool for children < 6 years of age. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry..2025;18 (1):1500-1505 (Pub Med).
  2. Varshney P, Khan SY, Jindal MK, Azim Y, Bhardwaj A, Kumar V (2024).Quantification of Color Variation of Various Esthetic Restorative Materials in Pediatric Dentistry. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry.2024;17(7):754-765.(Pub Med)
  3. Ahmad N, Khan S Y, Sharma DS ,Jindal MK, Azam I, Atif M(2024).Conservative aesthetic management of dental fluorosis using microabrasion with two different acidic compounds in pediatric patients :A report of two cases. Contemporary Pediatric Dentistry.
  4. Ahmad N , Jindal M K ,Khan S Y ,Azam I, Atif M (2024).Surgical removal of recurred Pyogenic Granuloma using diode laser in a Pediatric Patient :A Case Report. Saudi Journal of Oral and Dental Research.2024;9 (4): 1-7.
  5. Fasna K, Khan S Y, Ahmad A, Sharma M K(2024).Exploring the association between early childhood caries, malnutrition and anemia by Machine learning Algorithm. Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry.2024;42( 1):22-27.(Pub Med)
  6. Sharma DS, Ambreen Z, Gupta H, Ahmad N, Khan SY. Repositioning of herniated buccal fat pad following blunt trauma –Rare case report in Pediatric patients. IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry.2024; 10 (1):72-75.
  7. Jindal MK, Jameel S Sharma DS, Khan SY(2023).Surgical management of periapical lesion using platelet-rich fibrin and formation of apical barrier with MTA in immature permanent anterior teeth in pediatric patient: Case Report. .Journal of Dental and Medica
  8. Sharma DS, Ambreen Z, Varshney P, Mohamed VN A, Khan SY, Jindal MK.(2023).Management of mandibular symphyseal /parasymphyseal fracture in Pediatric patient using vacuum formed splint: A case series. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.2023;22(12):21-26
  9. Khan SY, Schroth RJ, Jesus VC, Lee VHK ,Rothney J ,Dong C, Javed F, Yerex K, BertoneM, El Azrak M, Menon A (2023).A systematic review of caries risk in children <6 years of age. International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry .2023.(Pub Med)
  10. Jameel S,Jindal MK,Sharma DS,Khan SY(2023).Correction of single tooth anterior crossbite using 2×4 appliance in Pediatric patient:A case report.International Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Research.2023;5(5):162-164
  11. Jameel S,Khan SY,Iftekhar H,Jindal MK (2023).A comparative evaluation of revascularization in non – vital immature teeth anterior teeth with and without platelet rich fibrin in Pediatric patients. International Journal of Scientific Research.2023;12(1
  12. Jamil F, Khan SY, Jindal MK (2023).Effectiveness of audiovisual distraction technique and filmed modeling on anxiety and fear in Pediatric dental patients. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry.2023; 16(4):598-602. (Pub Med)
  13. Khan SY,Javed F,Ebadi MH,Schroth R J(2022).Prevalence and risk factors for ECC among preschool children from India along with the need of its own CRA tool- A systematic review. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry.202
  14. Fatima S, Khan SY,Sharma DS,Jindal MK,Jamil F(2022).Functional restoration of Mandibular second primary molar with missing successor. A case report. IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry.2022; 8(3):1-4.
  15. Khan SY, Ahmad I (2021);Clinical Efficacy of a novel Lipid based Thymoquinone gel: A two arm, single blinded ,randomized study .International Journal of Preventive and Community Dentistry Vol 11 No.4,2021;376-381( Pub Med )
  16. Khan MK, Jindal MK, Khan SY, Unnikrishnan A(2021);Traumatic dental injuries in school children and adolescents of rural and urban areas of Aligarh, India- A prevalence study. International Journal of Medical and Oral Research .Vol 6, No.2, 2021; 1-4.
  17. Javed F ,Jindal MK, Khan SY, Sharma DS(2021);Management of developmental disturbances in a 12 year old child; A multidisciplinary approach. IP Annal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry. Vol 7 No 2, 2021; 87-90.
  18. Khan SY, Unnikrishnan A, Jindal MK, Khan MK(2021);Effect of a school Preventive Program on oral health measures among children – A longitudinal study. International Journal of Medical and Oral Research. Vol 6 No.1, 2021; 6-10.
  19. Khan S Y (2020); Inheritance and Susceptibility to dental caries; A Community based study. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry. Vol 10 No.2, 2020; 148- 155. (Pub Med)
  20. Khan S Y (2019); Knowledge, Attitude and Awareness to Dental Caries among Indian Children and Adolescents: A Case – Control Study. Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada (Brazilian Research in Pediatric Dentistry and Integrated Clinic)
  21. Bhatnagar A, Jindal M K, Khan S Y(2019);Comparison of two different Non- Radiographic mixed dentition analysis. Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada (Brazilian Research in Pediatric Dentistry and Integrated Clinic) Vol 19 No 1, 2
  22. Khan S Y (2019); Consanguinity and Inbreeding Coefficient Factor in Aligarh city, India: A cross sectional study. Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada (Brazilian Research in Pediatric Dentistry and Integrated Clinic).Vol 19 No 1,
  23. Khan S Y (2018); An exploratory study of Consanguinity and Dental Developmental Anomalies .International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry.Vol 11 No. 6, 2018; 513-518 (Pub Med).
  24. Bhatnagar A , Jindal M K , Khan S Y (2017);Validity of Moyer’s mixed dentition analysis in children of Moradabad District,UP.India.University Journal of Dental Sciences. Vol 1 No.3, 2017; 40-44.
  25. Khan S Y, Holt K, Tinanoff N (2017); Nutrition Education for Oral health Professionals. A must, yet still Neglected. Journal of Dental Education. Vol 81 No. 1, 2017; 3-4 (Pub Med)
  26. Bhatnagar A, Jindal M K, Khan S Y (2016); Biological Post and Core: An Innovative Approach. International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research. Vol 3 No.4, 2016; 75 -8.
  27. Khan S Y, Jindal M K (2016); A Complimentary index to Classical Caries Indices. The Medical Journal of Cairo University. Vol 84 No .1, 2016; 383-386 (Pub Med)
  28. Bahuguna R, Khan S A ,Khan S Y ,Zahid S N (2015);Influence of Paternal Socioeconomic variables on dental caries in Lucknow city (India) : A Case – Control study .British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. Vol 5 No 11, 2015; 1458 –1464. (NLM ID:
  29. Arfin S, Tasneem S, Khan S Y, Jindal M K (2014); Self inflicted Palatal soft tissue injury: A case report. American Journal of Research Communication. Vol 2 No 10, 2014; 153 -8
  30. Jindal M K, Khan S Y (2013); How to feed cleft patients: Manuscript. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. Vol 6 No.2, 2013; 100-103.(Pub Med)
  31. Bahuguna R, Khan S Y, Jain A (2013); Influence of feeding practices on dental caries: A Case - Control Study. European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. Vol 14 No.1, 2013; 55-58. (Pub Med).
  32. Khan S A, Khan S Y, Bains V K,Bains R ,Loomba K(2012);Dens Invaginatus :Review, Relevance and Report of 3 cases. Journal of Dentistry for Children. Vol 79 No.3, 2012; 143-153. (Pub Med)
  33. Khan S Y (2011); Impact of Sociodemographic Factors on Dental caries among children. The Medical Journal of Cairo University. Vol 79 No.1, 2011; 193-197. (Pub Med)
  34. Khan S A , Khan S Y, Bahuguna R (2011); Thorn in Endodontics. Patient induced blockage of root canal by unusual foreign objects (Case- report).Asian Journal of Oral health and Allied Sciences. Vol 1 No.2, Apr –Jun 2011; 129-133.
  35. Khan S A , Khan S Y, Bahuguna R (2011); Evaluation of caries experience with oral health practices in Lucknow children. Original article. Asian Journal of Oral health and Allied Sciences. Vol. 1 No.1, Jan-March 2011; 13-16.
  36. Srivastava V K , Khan S Y (2010).Concepts of implant usage in growing patients; A review article .Asian Journal of Clinical Dentistry.Vol.1 No.1,May-Aug 2010;1-3.
  37. Gupta N D, Khan S Y (2005). A Literature of Diabetes and its Implication in Dentistry. UP State Dental Journal: Vol 23 No.3, 2005; 1-3.
  38. Khan S Y (2005).Cause and effect relationship between infant feeding methods and occlusion. CUSP, IDA Aligarh Branch, Vol.2 No.1, Jan-Jun 2005; 40-41.
Ingle's Endodontics
Orthodontics :The art and Science - S I Bhalajhi
Essentials of Preventive and Community Dentistry - Soben Peter
Essentials of Medical Pharmacology - K.D.Tripathi
Pediatric Dentistry :Infancy through Adolescence - Pinkham
Dentistry for child and adolescent - Mc Donalds,Dean, Avery
Principles and Practice of Pedodontics - Aarthi Rao
Text book of Pedodontics - Shobha Tandon
Friday class (8-9 AM) BDS Final year (2016 Batch)
Dental Caries - BDS Final year class (8-9 am) Friday
Early Childhood Caries - BDS Final year class (8-9 am)
Pediatric Dentistry:Infancy through Adolescence -Sixth edition