Molecular Pathology, Surgical Pathology, Oncopathology
50, Rainbow Roof Phase-2, Near- FM Tower, Anoopshahar Road, Aligarh.202002
I, Dr. Mohammad Jaseem Hassan did my MBBS from GSVM Medical College, Kanpur in 2002 and did my MD (Pathology) from Department of Pathology, J N Medical College, AMU, Aligarh in 2008. After passing my MD, I joined same department as Senior Resident on 24th Nov, 2008 and worked as Senior Resident till 05th Jan, 2011. After that I joined a newly established Medical College, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi as Assistant Professor of Pathology on 6th Jan, 2011 and worked on that post till 11th August, 2016. Then I was promoted to Associate Professor in the same department on 12th August 2016 and worked on that post till 29th Dec, 2020. During my almost a decade long stay at Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, I was entrusted by management for various academic and administrative responsibilities. After serving Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi for almost a decade, Almighty ALLAH given me an opportunity to serve my alma mater again and I joined Department of Pathology, J N Medical College, AMU, Aligarh as Professor on 30th Dec, 2020.
Academically I have more than 120 publications to my credit in various Journals of National and International repute. I have published my papers in International Journals like The American Journal of Gastroenterology, Diagnostic Cytopathology, Turkish Journal of Pathology, Iranian Journal of Pathology, Egyptian Journal of Pathology, Breast Disease, Blood Research, Oman Medical Journal, North American Journal of Medical Sciences etc. The Indian Journals include Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, Journal of Cytology, Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Journal of Cancer and Research therapeutics, Journal of Mid-life Health, Journal of Clinical and diagnostic Research, J K Science, Indian Journal of Dermatopathology & Diagnostic Dermatology etc.
For my academic excellence I was awarded as Outstanding Researcher in Pathology for the contribution and achievement in the discipline of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering by Venus International Foundation, Chennai during the Annual Healthcare Meet- AHM 2018 on 29th September 2018 at Le Royal Meridien Hotel, Chennai. In the same year I was awarded with Certificate of Excellence, Honorable Jury Mention (Research Category) by EET CRS Research Wing for Excellence in Professional Education & Industry, during 3rd Academic Brand Awards-2018 on 28th October, 2018 at Tivoli Grand Hotel & Resort, New Delhi. In 2019, in recognition of significant contribution for the advancement of Medical Sciences, I was conferred as Member of the prestigious National Academy of Medical Sciences, India (MAMS) by then Honourable Governor of Madhya Pradesh Shri Lalji Tandon Ji in convocation held during NAMSCON 2019 at AIIMS, Bhopal on 12th October, 2019.