Periodontal plastic & esthetics, Molecular biology & intrerdisciplinary periodontology
Flat Number 305,Shri Shyam Complex Samad Road Aligarh (U.P )
Dr. N. D. Gupta did his MDS in Periodontics from the Faculty of Dental Science K.G.M.C.Lucknow in 1992. Teaching Experience working presently as a Professor in the Department of Periodontics & Community dentistry Dr.Z.A.Dental College Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh since 2002 with a total teaching experience of more than 27 years Earlier worked as a Lecturer & Reader in Periodontics at Govt. Dental College, Pt. B.D.Sharma P.G.I.M.S., Rohtak Also Worked as Senior Resident at Faculty of Dental Sciences, K.G.M.C., Lucknow Fellowships awarded fellowship of Pierre Fauchard Academy in 2009, Fellowship of International College of Dentists in 2010 and ICDRO Bilcare clinical Research Fellowship in 2011. Research Experience guided several MDS Thesis at AMU Aligarh. Acted as Co-supervisor in M.D.(Pathology) Thesis at Pt. B.D.Sharma P.G.I.M.S., Rohtak Has 125 publications in various national & International journals like Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, J oral path.oral sur oral med. and j. of Indian Orthodontic Society, European Journal of General Dentistry, Journal of Indian Dental Association J.I.A.O.M.R.Total Citations-1245, H-Factor-18 & i10 factor- 35.
Administrative Experience Served as the University Academic Council member of MD University Rohtak & and a member of various bodies of AMU Aligarh. Professional experience acted as examiner in BDS & MDS (Periodontics) in various universities in the country. Also acted as an expert in various selection committee panels of various universities i.e. AMU, Aligarh, B.H.U., Varanasi, K.G.M.U., Lucknow, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, University of Health Sciences, Jaipur, Narora Atomic Power Station, Narora and PSC of UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh and J & K. Acted as the DCI inspector & various universities inspectors. Acted As NAAC peer team member. Community Services- Conducted several Radio talks from AIR, and Rohtak and conducted various dental camps at Rohtak & Aligarh for community services.
- Combination of bone allograft, barrier membrane and doxycycline in the treatment of infrabony periodontal defects: A comparative trial.
Saudi Dent J.2015 Jul;27(3):155-60. doi: 10.1016/j.sdentj.2015.01.003. Epub 2015 May 27.
- Preprosthetic Orthodontics in an Adult with Multiple Anterior Edentulous Spaces and Loss of Vertical Dimension. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics. Vol.52, issue 5, 297- 302, 2018
- Impact of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on total antioxidant capacity in chronic periodontitis patients. Journal of Indian society of Periodontology. 2017 Jul-Aug;21(4):291-295. doi: 10.4103/jisp.jisp_281_15
- The influence of smoking on the levels of matrix metalloproteinase-8 and periodontal parameters in smoker and nonsmoker patients with chronic periodontitis: A clinicobiochemical study. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 6, S39-S43, 2016
- The effect of type 2 diabetes mellitus and smoking on periodontal parameters and salivary matrix metalloproteinase-8 levels. JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCE 58(1):1-6 · JANUARY 2016
- . The influence of type 2 diabetes mellitus on salivary matrix metalloproteinase -8 levels and periodontal parameters: A study in an Indian population. European journal of dentistry 10/2015; 9(3):319-323. DOI:10.4103/1305-7456.16322
- Alveolar ridge augmentation by connective tissue grafting using a pouch method and modified connective tissue technique: A prospective study. Dental Research Journal. Vol.12, issue6, 548-5532015
- Platelet rich fibrin combined with decalcified freeze-dried bone allograft for the treatment of human intrabony periodontal defects: a randomized split mouth clinical trail. ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA · Volume 74, 2016 - Issue 1, Pages 36-43, Impact F
- Platelet-rich Plasma with Scaling and Root Planing: A Double-blind Split-mouth Randomized Study. J Periodontol Implant Dent 2014;6(2):35–39 | doi: 10.15171/jpid.2014.035
- The Influence of smoking on the levels of matrix metalloproteinase-8 and periodontal parameters in smoker and non smoker patients with chronic periodontitis: A clinicochemical study. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Reseach. Volume 6, Supplement 1
- Periodontal Management of Phenytoin Induced Gingival Enlargement: A Case Report. Journal of Dental Health, Oral Disorders & Therapy. Vol. 8, issue 1, 00271, 2017
- Osteoporosis and Periodontitis in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review. J Midlife Health. 2017 Oct-Dec;8(4):151-158. doi: 10.4103/jmh.JMH_55_17
- Patients’ perception about dental implant and bone graft surgery: questionare based- survey. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry. Vol.15, isuue3: 258-262, 2017
- Oral health status and treatment needs of asthmatic children aged 6–12 Years in Lucknow. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, Vol15, issue 2, 122, 2017
- Probiotic–An emerging therapy in recolonizing periodontal pocket. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research. 7, 72-73, 2017
- Effect of smoking on potential salivary markers of periodontal disease: A clinical and biochemical study. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, Vol14, issue 4, 377, 2016
- Acute Gingival Bleeding in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Journal of Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery, Medicine and Pathology. Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 73-76
- Cross Cultural adaptation and validation of Hindi version of oral health impact pofile-14. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. Vol. 19, issue 5, 388, 2015
- Salivary Necrosis factor alpha. The way ahead. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. Vol. 19(2):129-130, 2015
- . Sclerostin and occlusion: A brief review Society of Periodontology Vol. 19(1):11-13, 2015
- An interdisciplinary management of severely resorbed maxillary anterior ridge complicated by traumatic bite using a ridge splitting technique
Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. Vol. 19(1):96-98, 2015