Prof. Brij Bhushan Singh
Exercise and Sports Physiology, Kinanthropometry
60, Rajeev Nagar, Quarsi Bye-pass Road, Aligarh-202001 (U.P.)
Prof. Brij Bhushan Singh did his graduation, post-graduation and M.Phil. from the than LNCPE, Gwalior and got his Ph.D. awarded from A.M.U., Aligarh. He is working in this university since 01 December 1992, presently he is teaching Exercise Physiology in M.P.Ed.I semester and Research and Statistics in M.P.Ed. II Semester. In activity he is taking specialization class of Basketball for M.P.Ed Students.His major area of research had been Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology. His area of special interest is Aging and Exercise. He delivers lecture on Aging Successfully, Age related body structural and functional changes, Postural Deformities and their treatment through therapeutic exercise etc. in refresher courses from time to time. He had attended and presented papers in several International and National Conferences and also had been resource person in some of them. He had also organized successfully National Seminar On "Scientific Approach In Sports(11-13 Nov 2011), under UGC's SAP, DRS-I Programme. His research articles had been published in reputed journal like WELLNESS, AMASS, Entire Research, International Journal of Physical Education, sports and Yogic Sciences, Journal of Health and Fitness, International Journal of Physical Education. He had also edited "Journal of Human Kinetics" published by All India Council of Physical Education. He is also member of Editorial, Advisory and Referee Board of many National and International Journals of repute.