Prof. L M Bariar
H.I.G. type I, House No. 6& Opposite Kaveri Royal ApartmentSwarna Jayanti Nagar, Ramghat RoadAligarh Address for Correspondence-202001. (U.P) India
A brief profile of the faculty member should be provided in not more than 150 words. This section should contain a summary of the research interest/focus area, teaching interest and name of some of the journals of repute in which his/her articles have been published. (only the name of the journals be provided and not the title of the paper).
Prof. L. M. Bariar is Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, J. N. Medical College, A.M.U., Aligarh.
Born on 2nd November 1951, Dr. Lalit Mohan Bariar joined the Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi in July 1969. He did his MBBS in Dec 1973, MS (Surgery) in February 1978 and M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) in April 1981, from the same Institute.
Professor Bariar joined as Lecturer in Plastic Surgery on 1st May 1983, in Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. He became Reader in 1991 and was appointed as Professor of Plastic Surgery in March 1997. He was appointed founder Chairman of Department of Plastic Surgery from 14th September 2005, to 13th September 2008.
Prof. L. M. Bariar has been actively involved in starting of the M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) Course in 1989, creation of separate Department of Plastic Surgery and Recognition of M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) course in April 2006. Till date 24 candidates have been awarded the M.Ch. degree in Plastic Surgery
Prof. L. M. Bariar has been actively involved in teaching of MBBS, MS, M.Ch, BDS & Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation courses. He has been M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) examiner of AMU, BHU, KGMU, Gujrat University, Patna University, Delhi University, University of West Bengal, and University of Rajasthan etc.
Area of interest & research are Cleft Lip & palate, Hypospadias, Hand anomalies, Maxillofacial, Burns and Tissue transfers. Publications in journals like British Journals of Plastic Surgery Burns, Journals of maxillofacial trauma & India Journals of Plastic Surgery.
Prof. L. M. Bariar has around 45 publications to his credit in journals of national and international repute. He has presented several papers in national & state level Conferences.
Prof. L. M. Bariar is life member of Various Medical Associations like APSI, ASI, NABI, IMA etc.
Prof. L. M. Bariarwas President of Uttar Pradesh chapter of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India for 2007-2009 and has successfully organized the UPAPSICON-2008 in February, 2008.