Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Dental implantology and Esthitic Dentistry
I am currently working as a professor and post graduate head of the department of Prosthodontics. I have been serving this esteemed university since 1998 with utmost sincerity. During this period with the efforts of department faculty and team members, I have been handling academic and administrative work. Till date my three (03) International and twenty seven (27) National papers have been published in various journals, few more are still in pipe line. In the department we are serving the patients for complete denture , partial denture, crowns, dental implants, maxillofacial prosthesis like ear, nose, obturator, occlusal splints, mandibular advancement device, feeding appliance etc.
- To assess fit at the implant abutment interface-A comparative in vitro study
journal of critical reviews vol 07 issue 8 2020 - Correlation of Fluoride Concentration in Saliva after the Use of Highly Fluoridated Tooth Paste Containing Nano Silver Fluoride Particles: A Cross over Randomized Controlled Double Blinded Trial Journal of Prosthodontics Dentistry, 2020-Vol. 15, Issue-2
- Age groups affected by Covid-19 virus in India: An observational study International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences 2020; 6(3): 27-30
- Evaluation of color stability of different heat cure acrylic denture base resins in five different beverages: an invitro spectrophotometric study University J Dent Scie 2019; Vol. 5, Issue 2 pg 27- 32
- Fabrication of custom ocular prosthesis: A case report
J Dent Scie 2018; Vol. 1, Issue 4 pg 54-56 - Prosthetic Rehabilitation of an Enucleated Eye Defect with Custom Made Ocular Prosthesis: A Case Report International Journal of Health Sciences and ResearchVol.7 Issue: 1;January 2017 pg. 297-302
- Occlusal splints used in prosthetic management IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Volume 16, Issue 11 Ver. XII (Nov. 2017), PP 96-99
- Quest journals; Journal of Medical and Dental science &research : A feeding appliance for and infant with cleft palate – A case report Volume 3~ Issue 10 (2016) pp.: 01-04
- Lightness of imperative for Rightness of function. Clinical Dentistry; May 2015,Vol.Issue 22-26
- Restoring ailing multirooted abutment through hemisection : A case report, journal of Nepal Dental Association Vol.14, No. 2 ; August-December, 2014
- Prosthodontic rehabilitation in ectodermal dysplasia) Guident, Vol. 6; Issue 7; June 2013
- History and evaluation of endosseous implants, (THE CUSP); 2009, Vol. 7, No. 1
- Rehabilitation of traumatic loss of finger using silicone elastomers: A case report Journal of pierre Fauchard Academy
- Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society Vol.9,2009, issue 2 (TMJ pain treated with Occlusal appliance therapy)
- An overview of finite element analysis in implant dentistry European journal of pharmaceutical and medical researchejpmr, 2018,5(1), 422- 424
- The Cusp: - IDA Aligarh Vol.9(2) 2012 (Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia)
- U.P. State Dental Journal Biocompatibility of dental materials (Part – II), Vol.20, No. 4
- U.P. State Dental Journal Vol. 17,1999 Overdenture- A case report