Mr. Malik Mohd Arshad
M.A. , B.Ed., Post Graduate Diploma in Linguistics,Texas Intensive English Program (USA) ATDOP (Oregon University, USA)
English Language Teaching (Teaching Listening)
4/153-A, Gulistan Colony, Hamdard Nagar-A, Aligarh India 202002
- Since 24.08.2004 Employed as a permanent Trained Graduate Teacher (English) at STS School, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P. India 202002.
- 18.07.2018-26.12.2022 Worked as Post Graduate Teacher(English) AMU Girls’ School, Aligarh Muslim University.
- 02.07.2017-15-05-2018 Worked as Post Graduate Teacher(English) at SH Senior Secondary School (Boys), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P. India 202002.
- 13.09.2012-01-07-2017 Worked as Post Graduate Teacher(English) at STS School, Aligarh Muslim university, Aligarh, U.P. India 202002.
- Since 2008 Working as Resource Person English Access Micro-scholarship Program(USA) At UGC Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P. India 202002.
- 6 OCTOBER 2008 – MAY 2010 Worked as Coordinator and Resource Person Coaching and Guidance Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P. India 202002.
Find below the direct link of the study material recently uploaded: - Full Text and Question and Answer of the Chapter - The Necklace Class 10 English CBSE and NCERT
- Poem - The Trees - Class 10 - First Flight - Full Text, Summary and Solved Questions
- To improve your writing skills and check your grammar you can use this tool: Grammar Checker
- Publication
- Presented a paper at the 3rd International ELT Conference being organized by U.S. Embassy RELO and Amity University Lucknow Campus in association with AINET on ‘NO ONE LEFT BEHIND: THE ROLE OF ELT IN PROMOTING INCLUSIVE GROWTH’ on 5th&6th March, 2016 at Malhaur, Lucknow.
The title of the Paper: "Exploiting TPR with Mixed Ability Group at English Access Micro-scholarship Program, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P. India"
- Presented a paper at the 3rd International ELT Conference being organized by U.S. Embassy RELO and Amity University Lucknow Campus in association with AINET on ‘NO ONE LEFT BEHIND: THE ROLE OF ELT IN PROMOTING INCLUSIVE GROWTH’ on 5th&6th March, 2016 at Malhaur, Lucknow.
- Class XII - English Core - Flamingo - Ch 01: The Last Lesson - Explanation
- Class XII - English Core - Flamingo - Ch 01: The Last Lesson - Q/A
- Class XII Humanities - English (Elective) - Short Story 01 - I Sell My Dreams - Explanation