Dr. Zeeshan Haider
Ph.D., Master of Physical Education, Bachelor of Physical Education
Part Time Teacher
Physical Education, Sports Training & Sports Psychology
Village & P. O. Madhan Distt. Sambhal (U.P.)
- Khan, Z., Khan, S. and Haider, Z. (2012). Sports Achievement Motivation in National and International Athletes: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Physical Education, fitness and Sports (IJPEFS), Vol.1, Issue 1, pp. 9-13.
- Khan, Z., Khan, N. A. and Haider, Z. (2011). A Comparative Study of Social Intelligence among Physical Education Students. International Journal of Sports Sciences and Physical Education, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp.57-59.
- Khan, Z., Haider, Z. and Ahmed, N. (2011). Gender difference in achievement motivation of intervarsity level badminton players. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, Vol.11, Issue 3, pp. 255-258.
- Khan, Z., Haider, Z. and Ahmed, N. (2011). Sports achievement motivation and sports competition anxiety: A relationship study. Journal of Education and Practice, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 1-5.
- Khan, Z., Haider, Z., Ahmed, N. and Khan, S. (2013). A study of Emotional Intelligence between Inter-university and Inter-collegiate Hockey Players. Malaysian Journal of Sport Science and Recreation, volume 9, No. 1 pp. 68-73.
- Unit-8
- Planning in Sports