Prof. Mohammad Muhiul Haque Siddiqui
Thrust Area: Clinical efficacy of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy).
Since my primary education, I am an old boy and an employee of this seat of learning ?The Aligarh Muslim University?. Born in 1955 at Lucknow, I have joined S.T. High School, (Minto Circle) Aligarh during 1961-1971. After passing high school (1971), PUC (1972), BUMMS (1977) and MD (Unani) in 1983 from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh started teaching at Rajasthan Unani Medical College, Jaipur, then served State Takmil-ut-tib College, Lucknow during 1983-1986. I have got appointment as a Part-time Lecturer in 1986 in the Department of Moalejat, became Lecturer in 1988. In 1996 I have completed 2nd post-graduation (M.D. Moalejat) as teacher candidate and subsequently promoted as Reader and professor in 1997 and 2005 respectively. I have served the department of Moalejat as Chairman from 2006-2009 and Chairman, department of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer from 2011-2014.
23 PG guidance, 85 research papers, 23 popular articles have been credited to my biodata covering Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology) and Moalejat (Clinical Medicine) as an area of interest. Now the main focus area is management of sufferings through Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy). Some of the journals of repute that have accommodated my research papers are: Hamdard Medicus, Karachi (Pakistan), Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, CSIR, New Delhi, Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, CCRUM, New Delhi, Aryavaidyan, Kerala and The Antiseptic, Chennai. I have attended and presented paper in eleven national and international conferences/ seminars, delivered guest lecturers as resource person and participated as chairperson/co-chairperson in fourteen in the Scientific Session of National/International conferences/ seminars/ workshops.
Since, I became a teacher, I have tried to my best in respect of teaching, research and clinical aspects of the subject allotted to me. To recognize me as a subject expert, I have been invited to deliver extension lectures by several institutes of repute of Unani Medicine of India like National Institute if Unani Medicine, Bangluru, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, State governments of Uttar Pradesh & Rajasthan etc. Several State & central universities like University of Delhi, Rajive Gandhi University of Health Sciences Bangalore, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Nasik, Central Council for Research in Unani medicine have appointed me as under-graduate and post-graduate level examiner, Faculty or Board of studies Member and expert for selection of teaching/research for recruitment of Unani manpower.
Now the main focus area is the development of regimenal therapy in terms of academic excellence, research and innovation in this branch of Ilaj-o-Moalija and management of sufferings through Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer. The establishment of a full flagged department of Ilaj-bit-Tadbeer with sufficient infra structure, staff, equipment is a forward step to this direction. The academic or research work done, updating and guidance to the coming generation under the ancient and modern perspective is the main aim of my tenure.