Prof. Tajuddin
BUMMS, MD (Ilmul Advia)
Unani Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical research and development
Dept. of Saidla, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AKTC, AMU, Aligarh
Prof. Tajuddin (BUMMS, M.D.) currently is serving as Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Saidla, (Unani Pharmacy). Earlier he was the Dean Faculty of Unani Medicine also. Prof, Tajuddin has about three decades of multifaceted experience in teaching and research. His area of interest includes experimental pharmacy and pharmacology. His keen interest in establishing the Dept. of Saidla (Pharmacy) indicates his determination towards advancement of Unani System of Medicine. He has too his credit 4 books, 83 research papers and 14 articles which have been published in reputed national and international journals, 25 research scholars have been awarded MD under his guidance. He attended more than 43 national & international conferences and presented his work or delivered invited lectures. He successfully organized one international conference UNICON 2010 in the Faculty in collaboration of Dept. of Ayush and one National Seminar cum Workshop on Modernization of Unani Pharmacy: Need and Importance in the. Department in collaboration with NCPUL. He is founder Editor in chief of Unani Medicus, an International Journal being published by Faculty of Unani Medicine. At present he is member of editorial board of Unani Research, an on line journal.
Additionally, he is also serving as "MIC - Dawakhana Tibbiya College", A.M.U., Aligarh. He was appointed as Visiting Fellow in National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM), Bangalore and also worked as a Visiting Lecturer in the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
A project is going on in the Department in collaboration with CCRUM, New Delhi under his guidance titled as Redesigning of Dosage Form of Majoon-e-Dabidulward and Majoon-e-Flasfa into Tablet form along with their Physico-chemical and Pharmacological Evaluations. Another project entitled as Comparative Chemical Analysis and Development of SOPs of Unani Kushtajat prepared from Conventional as well as Modern Methods which was sponsored by Dept. of AYUSH Ministry of Health and Family welfare was completed by him as Principal Investigator. He has been the member of reviewer panel, editorial board, board of assessment of CCRUM and member of various academic bodies and National Unani pharmacopeia committee.