BUMS, MD(Hifzane Sehat)
Assistant Professor
Hifzane Sehat, Nutrition, Holistic healthcare
Warden House Sir Syed Hall South Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India PIN 202002
An Awardee of “Excellent Teacher Award” under Teaching Excellence Award – 2018 (TEA-2018) by M T Research and Educational Services (MTRES), India, the nominee has an excellent academic track record, Dr Abdul Aziz Khan has been working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib since march 2013. He has also been awarded with “Hakeem Ajmal Khan Global Award 2018” for “Best Organizational and Social Tibbi Services” by Shri Hamid Ansari, Former Vice-President of India on the occasion of Unani Day organized by Hakeem Ajmal khan Foundation, India at Constitution Club, New Delhi on 13th February, 2019. He is a reciepient of 04 Best paper Awards for Best Oral Presentations in various National Conferences. He is internationally acclaimed scientific speaker &trainer and delivered more than 40 invited talks and lectures.
He has worked as Guest Faculty from 2009 March 2013. He is involved in teaching both the UG and PG students. He specializes in Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib / Hifzane Sehat, Epidemiology, Behavioral Sciences, Nutrition, and Ilaj-Bit- Tadbeer (Regimental Therapy). He obtained his M.D. in Hifzane Sehat from National Institute of Unani Medicine, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangaluru and PG Diploma in Public Health from Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine, Kolkata. He has more than 17 years of teaching and training experience in the field. He has more than50 papers to his credit which have been published in reputed journals such as Hamdard Medicus, Journal of international Society of History of Islamic medicine, Unani Medicus, Indian Journal of Unani Medicine, Journal of Integrated Community Health, Radiance (Weekly), Nature & Wealth etc and more than 100 abstracts published in souvenir of various International and National Conferences. He has contributed six chapters in the book, Post Graduate Education, Research Methodology & Manuscript studies in Unani Medicine published by Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine and Sciences, Aligarh, India and Hifzane Sehat by National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Dept. of Higher Education, Government of India, New Delhi. He is also associated with National Translation Mission, Government of India. Dr. Aziz has also attended more than 100 national and international conferences/seminars/symposia/CME. He is associated with various scholarship programmes like Islamic Development Bank Scholarship Program, India/Jeddah KSA, AMU Alumni Association Scholarship, Michigan and California USA.
Registration No. 9620N
CISM Teacher's Code: UNTS00066
- Key Publications Download PDF
Sadaf Firdaus, Ammar Ibne Anwa, Abdul Aziz Khan, Zamir Ahmed, Rubi Anjum, “A Comprehensive Review of Adverse Effect of Noise Pollution on Human Health and its Prevention”, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume: 7 Issue: 12, pp. 129-133 : 2020 ISSN 2349-8870
Sadaf Firdaus, Ammar ibne Anwar, Abdul Aziz Khan, Rubi Anjum, “Hypertension and its Management through Unani Approach - A Review”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Aug2020, Volume 7, Issue 8 pp. 1873-1877 ISSN: 2349-5162
Sadaf Firdaus, Ammar Ibne Anwar, Abdul Aziz Khan, “A critical appraisal on Dietary Habits as a Risk Factor” UNIMED Kulliyat Vol. XI, Issue 1, 2021 ISSN: 2249-5703
M Saad A. Khan, Abdul Aziz Khan, T. Latafat, “Developments in the understanding of Bronchial Asthma and Contribution of Greeco-Arab Physicians” Journal of Integrated Community Health Volume 9, Issue 2 - 2020, pp.22-27 ISSN: 2319-9113
Zarreen Baig, S.M.S. Ashraf, Abdul Aziz Khan, Mohd Monis, “A Reconnoiter on the Incidence and Alliance of T2DM and Substandard Lifestyle Habits among Employees of Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh: An Observational Study” International Journal of Advanced Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 2018, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 518-524 (ISSN: 2320 – 0251)
Zarreen Baig, S.M.S. Ashraf, Abdul Aziz Khan, Mohd. Monis, “Identification of the Dietary Risk Factors of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 among Employees of Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh: An Observational Study” Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) Volume 7, Issue 2 pp. 20-25 ISSN: 2278-2214 (Online) 2321-6484 (Print)
Naeem, S. M. Safdar Ashraf, Ammar Ibne Anwar, Abdul Aziz Khan, “Unani Perspective of Occular Morbidity (Amraz-e-Chashm) and its prevention; Unani Medicus: An International Journal Vol. 4 Issue 01; January – June, 2017 pp.91-96 (ISSN: 22330-8083)
Naeem, S M Safdar Ashraf, A I Anwar, Abdul Aziz Khan, “Sociodemographic study of Ocular Morbidity in School Children of Aligarh”; Hamdard Medicus (Quarterly Journal of Science and Medicine) Vol. 60 No.2 (April-June, 2017), pp.55-66 (ISSN: 0250-7188)
Naeem, S M Safdar Ashraf, Ammar Ibn Anwar, Abdul Aziz Khan, “A Study on Prevalence of Ocular Morbidity in Primary School Children of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh” Journal of Integrated Community Health (JICH), Department of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, Vol. 05, Issue, 02, July – December, 2016, pp. 25 – 28. (ISSN: 2319 – 9113)
Abdul Aziz Khan, S M Safdar Ashraf, M. Zulkifle, (2013 – 2014) “Chronology of Dalak (Massage) and Riyazat (Exercise)” Journal of International Society of History of Islamic Medicine (JISHIM), Qatar. Vol. 12 - 13 No. 23-24-25-26; pp. 80 – 83 (ISSN: 1303-667x)
Abdul Aziz Khan, S M Safdar Ashraf, M. Zulkifle, Khan Najma A H, (2013 – 2014) “Historical perspective of Wajaulmafasil (Osteoarthritis) with special reference to contribution of Greco-Arab Physicians” Journal of International society of history of Islamic medicine, (JISHIM), Qatar. Vol. 12 - 13 No. 23-24-25-26; pp. 172 – 174 (ISSN: 1303-667x)
Abdul Aziz Khan, M. Zulkifle, A. H. Ansari, Mohammad Farooque, (2009) “Ilaj Bil Riyazat – A way of Natural Cure”, Hamdard Medicus, Pakistan, vol.52, No. 1; p/116-119. (ISSN: 0250-7188)
Abdul Aziz Khan, M. Zulkifle, A. H. Ansari, Khan Najma A H, (2007-2008) “Persian Contribution to Greco-Arab Medicine; A Review” Journal of International society of history of Islamic medicine (JISHIM), Doha, Qatar Vol.6-7 No.11-12-13-14; pp. 107-111. (ISSN: 1303-667x)
Abdul Aziz Khan, S M Safdar Ashraf, (2013) “Influence of Al – Zahrawi on the Medical System of Europe” Journal of Integrated Community Health (JICH), Department of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, Vol. 02, Issue, 02, July – December 2013, pp. 58 – 62. (ISSN: 2319 – 9113)
Abdul Aziz Khan, (2013) “Drug Addiction: A Growing Menace (An Academician Perspective)” Radiance views weekly, Board of Islamic Publications, New Delhi, India, Vol. L No. 43, 20 – 26 January 2013, pp. 15 – 17. (RNI No. 12827/63)
Abdul Aziz Khan, S M Safdar Ashraf, (2012) “Review of Knee Osteoarthritis with Special Reference to its Epidemiology and Risk Factors” Journal of Integrated Community Health (JICH), Department of Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, Vol. 01, Issue, 02, July – December 2012, pp. 12 – 24. (ISSN: 2319 – 9113)
Abdul Aziz Khan, S M Safdar Ashraf, (2010) “A Review of Wajaulmafasil (Osteoarthritis) with special reference to Wajaurrakba (Knee Osteoarthritis); Unani Medicus, Faculty of Unani Medicine, AMU, Aligarh, India. Vol. 1. Issue 1; July – December 2010, pp. 17-21. (ISSN: 2230-8083)
Abdul Aziz Khan, M. Zulkifle, A. H. Ansari, S. M Faisal Iqbal, Khan Najma A H, (2009) “Role of Majoon Chobchini and Safoof-e-Asgandh in Lumbar Canal Stenosis – A Case Study, Indian Journal of Unani Medicine, Vol.2, Issue 1, January – June 2009, National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi, India. pp. 45-49. (ISSN: 0974-6056)