Dr. Hafiz Iqtidar Ahmad
Mahir-e- Tib (M.D), BUMS
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
MIzaj, Akhlat, Electro physiology, Nutrition Physiology
Registration No.14227 at Bharti chikitsa parishad U P
Motivated academician and researcher, in the field of Munafeul Aza. Currently working as Assistant Professor in the department of Tashreeh wa Munafeul Aza, AMU, Aligarh. Pursued M.D. and BUMS from AMU, Aligarh. and has Published many research papers in international and national journals, also presented papers in international and national conferences. Organizer of international and national conferences and workshop.
Registration No.14227 at Bharti chikitsa parishad U P
Motivated academician and researcher, in the field of Munafeul Aza. Currently working as Assistant Professor in the department of Tashreeh wa Munafeul Aza, AMU, Aligarh. Pursued M.D. and BUMS from AMU, Aligarh. and has Published many research papers in international and national journals, also presented papers in international and national conferences. Organizer of international and national conferences and workshop.
- Assessment of Total Body Water In Damvi and Safravi Mizaj of Healthy Male By Non Invasive Anthropometric Based Equation, International Journal of Development Research, Volume 4 Issue, 7 pp. 1434-1438 JULY 2014, ISSN 2230-9926.
- Contribution Of Al-Zahrawi In The Field of Orthopaedics, International Journal of Information Research and Review Vol. 1, Issue, 10, pp. 121-123 , OCTOBER 2014, ISSN: 2349-9141.
- Mizaj: Theory of Greko-Arabic Medicine for Health and Disease, Asian Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 03 (06), 2015: 01-09.ISSN 2347-3894.
- Khilt Safra Ek Tehqiqi Jayizah, Unimed Kulliyat A journal Of Unani Medicine, Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2014-March2015, ISSN 2249-57
- Coadministration of Ginger Extract and Fluconazole Shows a Synergistic Effect in the Treatment of Drug-Resistant Vulvovaginal Candidiasis, Journal of Infection and Drug Resistance, 2021:14 1585–1599.
- Implication of Riyazat (Exercise) in Primary Dysmenorrhoea (Usr-E-Tams), Journal of Integrated Community Health, Volume 10, Issue 1 - 2021, Pg. No. 17-21