Prof. Hafiz Shaeque Ahmad Yahya
Avian Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
3/79 Diggi Road, Aligarh-202002
After completing Ph.D. degree under the auspicious guidance of (late) Dr. Salim Ali from University of Bombay in 1980, I had the opportunity of working as field biologist under the aegis of BNHS Bombay until 1982 when I joined as Lecturer in the Department of Zoology in L.N. Mithila University. In February 1986 I joined Dept. of Zoology, A. M. U. Aligarh in the section of Ornithology & Wildlife studies which soon separated from it as Centre of Wildlife and Ornithology and renamed as Department of Wildlife Sciences. I am working in the Department on various positions and capacity since its inception. I have been regularly contributing in avian and other wildlife/biodiversity teaching, research, survey and conservation in India and abroad by publishing research papers, popular articles and books. So far over 100 Papers, 10 Technical Reports and 11 Books have been published. During the establishment of AMU Centres I was deployed as Officer on Special Duty for Malappuram Centre and subsequently OSD for all centres for about two years. For attending International Conferences and deliver lectures I have the opportunity of visiting 22 countries. Besides scores of M.Sc. dissertations, I have supervised 6 M. Phil and 6 Ph. D. students.
While availing EOL I also have the opportunity of working in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between 1994 and 1997 whereas during leave on Academic Pursuit I conducted researches in Canada and USA and wrote two books, namely Importance of Wildlife Conservation from Islamic Perspective & Biodiversity Conservation Ethics in Major Religions.
I wish to continue learning and understanding the intricacy of nature. I get immense pleasure in sharing my experiences with students vis-Ã -vis contributing in human resource development for the cause of nature conservation. In addition to Member, Life Member and subject experts for various organizations, presently I am also a member of Planning Commission, Higher Education Group (Govt. of India) for 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017). Since 15 November 2014.
I assumed charge of the Dean Faculty of Life Sciences, A. M. U. Aligarh on 15 Nov 2014 and relinquished it on 16 Nov 2016