After completing my Ph.D. (Zoology) from Aligarh Muslim University in 2001, I undertook post doctoral studies at CWRU, Cleveland, USA (2001-2006) under NIH and Arthritis Research Foundation funded projects. We discovered a novel CD6 ligand 3A11, using sophisticated techniques like Gene Silencing (siRNA), Flow Cytometry and Confocal Microscopy and published the data in "The Journal of Immunology", a high impact factor journal. One of our Confocal images was selected for JI cover page (Vol. 173/No.10/November 15, 2004).
I joined the Zoology department as Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in 2006 and continued my work using biochemical, immunological and molecular approaches targeting, somatic, excretory/secretory and coproantigens to develop diagnostic tools, vaccines or drugs to control the amphistome parasites, an abundant group of digenetic trematodes infecting Indian water buffaloes and causing high morbidity and mortality.
We are a part of the BBSRC-DFID-Scottish Executive funded multi-laboratory Combating Infectious Diseases of Livestock for International Development (CIDLID) initiative to delineate and validate the biological vaccine candidates in liver fluke, including members of the Cathepsin-L, GST and FAB protein families via functional genomics approaches. Currently we are working with our collaborators in England (Liverpool University and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine), Ireland (Queens University, Belfast and Dublin City University) and India (Tamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University).
I am privileged to act as co-ordinator of Fulbright-Nehru scholarship Programme (2012-2013) for Dr. Afzal A. Siddiqui, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, Texas Tech University-Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas (USA) who successfully completed his fellowship under Fulbright-Nehru scholarship programme in the Department of Zoology, AMU, Aligarh.