Nematode Biodiversity, Morphological and Molecular Taxonomy, Functional Ecology and community structure, Biology and development of soil and fresh water nematodes and those associated with insects
4/425-C, Sir Syed Nagar, ALIGARH-202002
Dr. Qudsia Tahseen is a Professor of Zoology at Aligarh Muslim University who teaches Animal Ecology as well as Nematology to the students of the Masters programme. Presently, the only faculty at AMU to be honoured with the fellowship of the the prestigious National Academies, has made remarkable contributions in the field of Nematology. She has described and revised a good number of nematode taxa and has addressed the taxonomic identification from different perspectives so as to adopt a holistic approach combining morphological, developmental and ecological characteristics for better scientific value instead of the lopsided shallow morphological study. Her lucid and critical analyses of species supplemented with Scanning Electron Microscopic details and her wide taxonomic skills have been accredited internationally as she remains so far the only Asian to receive ONTA Special Award for sustained excellence in Nematology. She has also conducted pioneering studies in India on nematode development while her ecological findings led to the understanding of shifts in subterranean food web. Due to the skills and expertise, she has been invited to reputed labs of Europe and America under prestigious fellowships of Royal Society, Rothamsted International, INSA, DBT, TWAS, TWOWS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, European Union Consortium, Australian Academy of Sciences, DFG and Max- Planck Institute etc. for collaborative research or to teach/ guide post-graduate students at Erasmus Mundus and EUMAINE programmes.