M.Sc.; M.Phil; Ph.D.; F.R.E.S.
Associate Professor
Forest & Agricultural Entomology,Biological Control of Insect Pests
Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University
- Publication
Chapters in Books
2012: Pandey, S.I. Ahmed and R. Sundararaj "The babul whitefly, Acaudaleyrodes rachipora (Singh), A pest of forest ecosystem in and Its Management Indian Arid Zone V.P. The Witefly or Mealywing bugs, Bioecology, host specificity and management, Lap lembert Academic Publishing GmbH & CO KG.
2011.Shanbhag Rashmi R, Sundera Raj, R and Ahmed, S.I. Wood destroying termites (Insecta: Isoptera) of India and their economic importance.In: series Animal Diversity, Natural History and Conservation– Vol. 2, being published by M/S. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi.
2011Ahmed, S.I., Singh,S, and Rathore, T.S. Khejri: a sacred tree of Rajasthan, causes of mortality and its management in “Khejri & Man Sagar: (2011) Khejri & Man Sagar Harsh Vardhan, Hony Seceretary, Tourism and Wildlife Sanctuary, Jaipur . 2-4.
2009 Singh, M.P., Satya Vir., Patel, Nisha., Lodha, S., Bhansali, R.R., Kumar, Arun Tripathi, R.S., Soni, B.K., Kaul,R.K., Singh, Raj., Rajpurohit, T.S., Rathore, B.S., Ahmed, S.I; Srivastava, K.K; Sharma, Meeta; Verma, Neelam and Singh, Sangeeta “Management of Pest Diseases and weeds in Arid Production system” Published in Trens in Arid Zone Research in India, CAZRI, Jodhpur). Pp. 411-457.
2009. Ahmed, S.I. and K.K. Srivastava Role of forest protection research in the extension activities, In Book- “Forestry research extension and stretegies”, Eds, C.S. Dangi and Seema Kumar, Scientific publisher, pp 220-233.
2008. , S.I., Kumar, Shivesh., Sharma, Meeta., Chouhan, Shahdev., Paunikar, S. D. & Khan, A.U. Integrated management of insect pests and mites associated with important Arid and semi Arid Tree species in India. In Pests of Forest importance and their management. Editors, B. K. Tyagi, Dr. Vijay Veer, Dr. Shri Prakash, Scientific publishers, Jodhpur (India), pp.159-194.
2007.Ahmed, S.I. and Singh, M.P. Integrated Management of Forest and Agricultural Insect Pests in Arid Regions. In Dryland Ecosystem: Indian Prosrective ( Eds. K.P.R Vttal, R.L.Srivastava, N.L.Joshi, A. Kar , V.P.Tewari, and S. Katju), pp. 169-184. Published by AFRI and CAZRI. 2007
2004.Ahmed, S.I., K.K.Chaudhuri., Sharma, Meeta., Kumar,Shivesh., Sahadev, Chouhan., Paunikar, S.D. and Khan, A.U. Insect pests and mites of important forest tree species and their management in arid and semi -arid region in Plant Protection in Arid Production System (Ed. Dr. M.P.Singh), Published by CAZRI, Jodhpur.
2000. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I. Integrated pest management of marwar teak defoliator, Patialus tecomella, Pajni, Kumar and Rose (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in arid and semi arid areas. In Recent trends in insect pest control to enhance forest productivity. (Ed by P.K.Shukla and K.C.Joshi) Tropical Forest Research Intitute, Jabalpur: pp. 199-211.
2000. Kumar, Shivesh and Ahmed, S.I. Natural enemy complex of insect pest spectrum and mites of Prosopis cineraria Linn and P. juliflora Swartz., DC in Indian Thar Desert.In Recent Trends in insect pest control to enhance productivity. (Ed by P.K.Shukla and K.C. Joshi) Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur: pp 218-230.
1999. Ahmed.S.I. and Kumar, Shivesh Role of Environmentally Acceptable Entomopathogens in Forest Insect Pest Management. In Modern Trends in Environmental Biology. CBS Publishers New Delhi.
1998. Ahmed, S.I. and Gaur, Meeta A comprehensive review on the biological control of babul and Rohida defoliator in arid and semiarid regions. Proceeding of the workshop-cum-peer review on biological control of forest insect pests held at FRI, Dehradun on 14 and 15th oct. 1998. Edited by Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Scientist SF and Chief Technical advisor, FRI (ICFRE), Dehradun.
1994. Ahmed, S.I. Pests of neem and their management in arid and semi-arid regions. In “Forest Entomology” (Edited by L.K. Jha and P.K. Sen-Sarma), Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi. pp 31-79.
1993. Ahmed, S.I. Scope of biological agents in forest pest management in arid zone. In Afforestation of Arid lands (Edited by A.P. Dwivedi and G.N. Gupta) Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur pp 412-419.
1983. Sen-Sarma, P.K., Ahmed, S.I. and Ahuja, S.S. Influence of temperature and relative humidity on the survival period of starved adults and larvae of Calopepla leayana Latr. (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera). In Insect Interrelations in Forest and Agro-ecosystems (Ed. P.K. Sen-Sarma and S.K. Kulshrestha). 59-77 pp.
Research Papers in International Journals:
2016. Ahmed,S.I. Sharma, Anchal Rani, Sunita Anjum, Hina Identification of the breeding-sites of important species of butterflies and their natural habitats for future conservation in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 5 (2): 1448-1455
2016. Ahmed, S.I., Sharma, Anchal, Anjum, Hina, Assessment of host-plants and their interaction with the different species of butterflies in gir protected area, Gujarat, India. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research. 3: (5)
2016. Ahmed, S.I. Sharma, Anchal , Anjum, Hina, Sadique, Mohammed , Influence of abiotic factors, causing changes in natural populationof butterflies, with particular reference to climate changes, food habits and habitat in Gir Protected Areas of Gujarat Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences 5 (2): 1-5
2015. Ahmed, S.I. , Gorain, Mahadeo , Dhileepan, Kunjithapatham. Khan, A.H Hira Naz, Anjum, Hina, Impact of native herbivores on the survival and growth of prickly acacia in semi-arid regions of India. 25th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference.
2015. Ahmed, S.I. , Gorain, Mahadeo , Dhileepan, Kunjithapatham. Khan, A.H Hira Naz, Anjum, Hina, Impact of native herbivores on the survival and growth of prickly acacia in semi-arid regions of India. 25th Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference.
2014. Sharma, A. Ahmed, S.I., Butterfly diversity in Dry Deciduous Teak forests of Gir Protected Area. International Journal of Advanced Research. 7: 73-82
2016. Sharma, Anchal Ahmed, S.I, Rani, Sunita Anjum, Hina Butterflies of Sasan Gir National park, Junagarh, Gujarat and their interaction with the different host-plants species, International Journal of Advanced Research 4 (3), 1883-1889
2013. Shivas R.G., Balu, A Singh, S. Ahmed, S.I. and Dhileepan, K Ravenelia acaciae-arabicae and Ravenelia evansii are distinct species on Acacia nilotica subsp. indica in India, Australasian Mycologist 31, 31-37
2012. Sharma, Anchal. and Ahmed, S.I., Influence of temperature and relative humidity on the survival of Daphnis nerii (Lepidoptera: sphingidae) and its food efficacy on host plant in arid and semi arid region International conference on Entomology, 65
2012. Gorain,M., Charan, S.K. Ahmed, SI Role of insect bees in the pollination of Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce (Leguminosae, Subfamily Mimosoideae) in Rajasthan. Advances in Applied Science Research 3 (6): 3448-3451 1
2012. Gorain, M. Ahmed, S.I. Bhandari, RS Sharma, N., Biology of Phalantha Phalantha Drary (Nymphalidae: Lepidoptera) - An Injurious Pest of well-known medicinal plant Withania somnifera Duna.l Biotechnology Research. 1 (2): 4-6
2012. Gorain, M. Charan, S.K., Ahmed, S.I. Record of honey bees in pollination of Acacia Nilotica Willd ex del. (Leguminosae, Subfamily Mimosoideae) in Rajasthan. Journal of Entomological Research 36 (3): 215-218
2012. Gorain, M, Charan, S.K., Ahmed, S.I. Role of insect bees in the pollination of Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce (Leguminosae, Subfamily Mimosoideae) in Rajasthan, Advances in Applied Science Research, 3 (6):3448-3451
1995. Ahmed, S.I and Leather, S.R Suitability and potentiality of entomopathogenic microorganisms for forest pests management- some points for considerations. Int. J. of pest manage. 40(4). 287-292.
1995. Ahmed, S.I., Kumar, Shivesh and Meeta, Gaur Seasonal fluctuation in the population of Bruchidius albizziae Arora (Bruchidae) and its effect on seeds of Albizzia lebbeck (L) Benth in Indian Thar Desert. Antennae 19(3): 106-107.
1994. Leather, S.R., Ahmed, S.I and Hogan, Louse Adult feeding preference of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Eur. J. Ento. 91: 385-389.
1994. Sunderaraj, R., Murugesan, S and Ahmed, S.I Differential impact of NSKP extracts on nutrition and reproduction of Taragama siva Lefebvre (Lasiocampidae: Lepidoptera) Entomon. 20(3): 257-261.
1994. Kumar, S., Ahmed, S.I and Chouhan, S Annotated list of insect pests of Forest trees of arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan and Gujarat. Oikassay, 11(1): 7-11.
1994. Ahmed, S.I Use of entomopathogenic viruses in forestry: potential for their use in developing nations; Antenna, 18: 14-19.
1993. Ahmed, S.I Bacillus thurengiensis, an environmental biopesticide theory and practice. Antenna, 17(4): 217-218.
Research Papers in National Peer Reviewed Journals
2009. Sharma, M. and Ahmed, S.I.. Impact and efficacy of phyto-pesticides against Patialus tecomella ,Pajni, Kumar and Rose (Coleoptera:curculionidae) a serious pest of marwar teak defoliator in western Rajasthan. Indian Forester.
2009. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I. Relative resistance of different proveniences of Marwar teak to Patialus tecomella Panji, Kumar & Rose (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Ann Entomol. 27(1-2): 49-52
2007. Pandey, V.P., Sundera raj, R and Ahmed, S.I. Parasitoids and effect of weather factors their parasitism on babul whitefly, Acaudaleyrodes rachipora (Singh) (Hemiptera: Aleyrododae) infesting Prosopis cineraria in Indian arid zone. J. Biol. Control, 21 (1): 149-152.
2006. Ahmed, S.I., Kumar, Shivesh and Chauhan, Sahadev. Comparative efficacy of chloropyriphos and thiamethoxam against insect pests in forest nurseries. Indian Forester, 132 (2): 248-250.
2006. Kumar, S. and Ahmed S.I. Seasonal occurance and population fluctuation of Eriophyes prosopidis Sexena, a leaf and inflorescence gall mite of Prosopis cineraria (Khejri) in Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Forestry, 29 (3): 287-292.
2006. Pandey, V.P., Sundera raj, R and Ahmed, S.I. Natural enemies of Babul whitefly, Acaudaleyrodes rachipora (Singh) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from Jodhpur, India, J. Biol. Control, 20 (1): 85-88.
2006. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I.) Insect pest spectrum of Marwar teak, Tecomella undulata (SM) Seem in desert forests of western Rajasthan, Annals of Forestry, 14 (2): 317-329.
2006. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I. Influence of temperature and relative humidity on the survival and longevity of larvae and adult weevils of Patialus tecomella, Pajni, Kumar & Rose (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Indian Forester, 132 (8): 1029-1040.
2004. Ahmed, S.I., Chaudhuri, K.K., Sharma, Meeta and Kumar, Shivesh New insect pest records of Khejri and Rohida from Rajasthan and their possible management strategies. Indian Forester, 130 (12): 1361-1374.
2004. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I. Orientation of Rohida defoliator, Patialus tecomella (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to different light colours and varieties of Tecomella undulata (SM.) Seem. Indian Forester, 130 (12): 1416-1421.
2004. Ahmed, S.I. and Shivesh kumar Seasonal fluctuations in the population of Eurytoma settitibia Gahan(Eurytomotidae: Hymenoptera), a potential stem gall chalcid of khejri (Prosopis cineraria Linn) in Rajasthan.. Indian Forester 130 (8):885-892.
2004. Shivesh Kumar and Ahmed, S.I. a worldwide check-list of insect pest spectrum of Prosopis spp. , with new pest records of P. Cineraria and P.juliflora from Indian arid and semi arid areas., My Forest 40(1).85-11
2004. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I. Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, a potential entomopathogenous fungal pathogen isolated from marwar teak defoliator, Patialua tecomella Pajni Kumar and Rose (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Indian Forester, 130 (9): 1060-1064.
2003. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I. Relative toxicity of different insecticides against marwar teak defoliator, Patialus tecomella Pajni, Kumar and Rose (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Ann. For, 11 (1): 127-132.
2002. Ahmed, S.I and Khan, Ameen Ullah A New host record of Achmaeodera aurifera Laporte and Gory (Coleoptera:Buprestidae) on freshly felled timber of Prosopis cineraria (Linn) and Albizzia lebbeck in Rajasthan. Indian Forester, 128: 103-104.
2001. Meeta, Sharma and Ahmed, S.I. Effect of larval crowding on the development and reproduction of Patialus tecomella Pajni, Kumar and Rose (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal Trop. Forestry, 17 (4): 71-76
2000. Sundararaj, R., Sharma Meeta and Ahmed S.I., Aleyrodids infesting rose (Rosa chinensis ) in Indian arid zone, Hexapoda , 12(1&2):19-24.
2000. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I. Biology and field efficacy of Billeae atkinsoni (Diptera:Tachinidae) a potential pupal parasite of marwar teak defoliator in arid and semi arid areas. Indian Forester, 126 (4): 409-418.
2000. Ahmed, S.I., Kumar, Shivesh and Paunikar, S.D.. Biological control of Streblote siva through NPV and natural enemy complex of insect pests of Prosopis cineraria in Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Forestry, 23(3): 305-311.
2000. Kumar, S and Ahmed, S.I Records of pestiferous and molluscs from Rajasthan, India.Rec. Zool. Surv. India 98(3): 67-70
1999. Ahmed, S.I., Kumar, S. and Mathur, G. Bioecology and management of Helopeltis antonii Signret ( Heteroptera: Miridae), a serious pest of neem trees in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Annals of Entomology , 17(1)
1999. Ahmed, S.I and Mathur, Goldy. Myllocerus tenuicornis Faust (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a new pest record on neem, Azadirachta indica A. Juss from India. Indian Forester 125 (6):644-646
1998.Gaur Meeta and Ahmed, S.I Bioecology and bio-management of rohida defoliator, Patialus tecomella Pajni Kumar and Rose, a serious threat to marwar teak in Rajasthan. Ann. Ent.. 16(2): 43-48.
1998. Ahmed, S.I., Gaur Meeta and Gupta, R.K Morphometrical studies of larvae of rohida defoliator, Patiallus tecomella Pajni, Kumar and Rose (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Van Vigyan 36 (2,3,4):74-77
1997. Yousuf, M., Ahmed, S.I. and Gaur, Meeta Brachygrammatella aligarhensis, a potential egg parasitoid of Oxyrachis tarandus (Fabricius). Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. 16 (a)(1-2): pp53-58.
1997. Kumar, S and Ahmed, S.I New distributional record of Lymaea (Pseudosuccinea) acuminata F.typica (Mollusca : Gastropoda :Lymaeidae) from Thar Desert (Rajasthan).Indian Forester , 124(1):77-78.
1997. Ahmed, S.I and Kumar, Shivesh. Role of natural incidence of viruses disease in controlling babul defoliator, Taragama siva out-break. Indian Forester, 124 (11):952-958.
1997. Ahmed, S.I., Kumar, S and Sharma Sangeeta Nuclear polyhedrosis of Babul defoliator, Taragama siva Lefebvre (Lep: Lasiocampidae). My Forest; 34(1): 715-721.
1996. Gaur, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I Bionomics of Patialus tecomella (Coleoptera: Cuculionidae) A serious defoliator of Tecomella undulata Plantationin Rajasthan . Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. 15(2): 123-126.
1996. Gaur, Meeta and Ahmed, S.I Incidence of Patialus tecomella Pajni (Coleoptera: Cuculionidae) on Tecomella undulata in Rajasthan India. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. 15(1): 51-53.
1996. Kumar, S., Ahmed, S.I., Yousuf, M and Chouhan, S Myllocerus dalbergia Ramamurthy (Coleoptera: Curculionidea), a new nursery pest record on Moringa oleifera from Rajasthan. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science 14(2): 97-99.
1996. Kumar, S and Ahmed, S.I. Salvadora persica- a new host record for Catopsilia crocale Cram. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Indian Forester, 122(1): 83-84
1996. Kumar, S. and Ahmed, S.I Insect pest of forest trees in nurseries of Rajasthan . Indian J. Ent. 59(3):331-335
1996. Kumar, S., Yousuf, M., Ahmed, S.I. and Chouhan, S Seasonal incidence and control of Leucoplera sphenograpata. Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Lyonetilidae) :a nursery pest of Dalbergia sissoo from Rajasthan. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science 15(2): 113-116
1996. Kumar, S., Ahmed, S.I., Yousuf, M and Chouhan, S Myllocerus lactivirens Marshall (Curculionidae: Coleoptera)- Ann. Agric. Res. 18(1): 102-103.
1995. Ahmed, S.I. Investigations of nuclear polyhedrosis of teak defoliator. Jr. appl. Entomol. 199: 351-354.
1995. Ahmed, S.I. and Murugesan, S. Achaea janata Linn. (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera). a new pest record on neem- its management through nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Indian Forester. 121(1): 63, 1995
1990. Ahmed, S.I. and Sen-Sarma, P.K Bionomics of Calopepla leayana Latr. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a serious defoliator of Gmelina arborea Roxb. plantations in India. Indian Forester 116: 71-82.
1989. Gupta, B.K., Ahmed, S.I. and Veer vijay Relative toxicity of some conventional insecticides against adult beetles of Calopepla leayana Latr. (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera). Indian Forester 151: 430-433.
1984. Sen-Sarma, P.K and Ahmed, S.I. A polyhedral virus infecting popular defoliator Pygaera fulgurita Wlk. (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). Indian J. Ent. 46: 112-114.
1984. Ahmed, S.I. and Sen-Sarma., P.K Investigations on a newly recorded nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Pygaera fulgurita Wlk. (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae)- Nature of disease and insect- virus interaction. J. Ent. Res. 7(1): 150-153.
1984. Sen-Sarma, P.K. and Ahmed, S.I. Studies on digestive physiology of Calopepla leayana Latr. (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera). Digestibility and chemical composition of food and feacal matters. Ann. Ent. 2(1): 11-15.
1978. Ahmed, S. I. and Shafee, S. Adam Studies on some Indian Aphelinid parasites (Hymenoptera: Chelcidoidea) J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 75(1): 164-167.
Research Papers and Abstracts Presented in International Seminar/ Workshop/ Proceedings
2012. Sharma, Anchal., Ahmed, S.I., and Sharma, Meeta. Influence of temperature and relative humidity on the survival of Daphnis nerii (Lepidoptera: sphingidae) and its food efficacy on host plant in arid and semi arid region. In: abstract book of the International conference on Entomology held on 17-19 Feb.2012, Organized by Department of Zoology and Environmental sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, pp, 65. AWARDED PRIZE IN POSTER SECTION
2012. Bhatnagar, S., Kumar, A., Karnatak, A. K., Ahmed, S. I. and Singh, S. (Effect of synthetic plant growth regulators on the larval survival of Spodoptera litura (Fab.). In: International conference on Entomology, Feb. 17-19.pp.117-118.
2012. Kumar, S., Bhatnagar, S., Ahmed, S. I. and Singh, S. Morphological observations on the rachis, stem, leaf and sopterannce galls caused by insects and mites in Prosopis cineraria (l.) Druce. In:Indian arid zone. In the International conference on Entomology, Feb. 17-19.p. 207.
2011. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S. I. Impact and efficacy of Phyto-Pesticides against Patialus tecomella (Coleoptera; curculionidae), a serious pest of Marwar teak in Western India. Paper accepted in International Global Conference on Entomology held from 4th-9th March 2011 at Chiang Mai, Thailand.
2011. Shivas, R.G., Balu, A., Singh, S., Ahmed, S.I. and Dhileepan, K. (2011). Ravenellia acciae and Ravenellia evansii are distinct series on Acacia nilotica subsp. Nilotica in India. Paper sent for publication in Int. Journal.
2010. Dhileepan, K., Balu, A., Ahmed, S.I., Singh, S., Srivastava, K.K., Senthilkumar, M., Murugesan, S., Senthilkumar, P., Gorain, M., Sharma, A., Sharma, N., Mahalakshmi, R. and Shivas, R. New biological control opportunities for prickly acacia: exploration in India, pp. 231-234. In: Zydembos, S.M. (ed), Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Weeds Conference, New Zealand Plant Protection Society, Christchurch, New Zealand.
2009. Sharma, Meeta and Ahmed, S. I. Controlling Marwar teak defoliator Patialus tecomella through Integrated pest Management strategy in Rajasthan. Int. Con. On Nurturing arid zones for people and their Environment: Issues and agenda for the 21st century at CAZRI, Jodhpur, 24-28 Nov. pp.91-92.
2013. Brochures in English and Hindi on “Khejri Mortality in north western districts of Rajasthan, their causes, severity and remedies”.
2013.A consultancy report on “Bioefficacy of wool care spray against furniture carpet beetle Anthrenus flavipes and clothesmoth, Tinea translucens” and earned Rs. 1,00,000 (Rupees one lakh) revenue from the Defence R& D Establishment, investigating laboratory, Jhansi Road, Gwalior for Arid Forest Research Institute, Jodhpur.
2012. Report on the testing of wood samples against Lyctus beetle, Termite and Fungal attack received from M/S Divya Home Noida /Jodhpur. Suggestion and advice for preventive measure were recommended to avoid Bucks in wood and also curative measure of wood if infested.
1989. Ahmed, S.I.A systematic catalogue of the main identified entomological collection at Gass Forest Museum. Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore. (Lepidoptera & Coleoptera) Part I II Series I, 169 pp. (Butterflies and months).
1989. Ahmed, S.I.Systematic Monograph on Birds: Contributions of the Gass Forest Museum. Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore. Series 3, Part IV, 369 pp+94 colour photoplates.
1989. Ahmed Ahmed, S.I. Systematic cataloque of the main identified entomological collections at Gass Forest Museum Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Coimbatore.(Hymenoptera) Part III, Series 2 66 pp+ 32 Colour Photo plates.