Begum Azeezun Nisa Hall
Prof. Asiya Chaudhary
Dr. Asiya Chaudhary is a professor in Commerce and teaches the subjects like Direct Taxation, Business Statistics, Business & Managerial Economics, Marketing and Behavioural Economics (Consumer Behaviour) to undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. students in the Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. She has a standing of 19 years in teaching different courses like MBA-FM, MTA, M.Com., B.Com., PGD-BRIM, PG-DBF. She has successfully completed a Post-doc and 10 Ph.D. students under her supervision. Her research work includes trade, Marketing, Behavioural Economics, and Women Studies which are published in national and international refereed journals like Emerald, Sage, Elsevier, etc. She holds 4 books and 35 academic papers to her credit and has successfully completed 3 projects funded by ICSSR and UGC. She has presented her publications in reputed institutes in India and abroad, including BITS Pilani (Goa), IIT (Delhi), World University of Design (WUD), PSG College of Technology (Coimbatore), University of Economics, Prague (Czech Republic), Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology (Jalandhar), Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Moka (Mauritius), Jamia Millia Islamia (New Delhi), etc.
Dr. Chaudhary has been regularly participating and conducting various training programs, Workshops, Conferences, Seminars, and FDPs for researchers from academia and corporate alike. She has completed around 15 programs in association with and sponsored by ICSSR, UGC, National Commission for Women, IIM Kashipur, Integral University (Lucknow), UGC Human Resource Development Centre and Amity University (Lucknow). Also been invited as a guest speaker several times and has delivered lectures on research enhancing skills. Dr. Chaudhary has chaired sessions both in India and abroad which include the ‘’International conference on rural development” held in the Royal University of Bhutan., Mahatma Gandhi Institute, Moka (Mauritius), etc. She also got nominated for the exchange program under the UGC consortium to visit Mauritius.
Along with her academic profile, she is a lifetime member of the prestigious Indian Textile Association and Indian Commerce Association. Moreover, has successfully undertaken administrative responsibilities as Deputy Director, Residential Coaching Academy; Provost, Indira Gandhi Hall (Residential Hall); Chief Coordinator in the Centre for the United Nations Chapter, established in the Department of Commerce and Course Coordinator B.Com Programme at Centre for Distance Education. Recently Dr. Chaudhary has signed a Memorandum of Understanding between University of Houston (UH) and Aligarh Muslim University to implement SURE programme in the Department of Commerce, AMU, Aligarh.