Sarojini Naidu Hall
SOP Of SN Hall Provost Office
Standard Operating Procedure (Office)
• To ensure that all services to resident and non-resident students are coordinated so that they get the required care from service providers in the provost office.
• To respond to the need and expectations of the students and to work for their satisfaction
• It covers all the resident and non-resident students who visit the hall provost office for, continuation, fee deposit, accommodation, clearance and other file work.
• It also covers work related to receiving and dispatch of letters within the university administration.
• The reception clerk is responsible for admission process, maintenance of student record, issue of bonafide certificate and dak receipt & dispatch work.
• Accommodation clerk is responsible for allotment and issue of accommodation slips to the students.
• Office attendant is responsible for maintenance of mess charges of students
• Accountant is responsible for preparation of cheques and maintenance of budget record.
• Section officer is responsible for overall supervision of office work, general correspondence, addressing the issues of residents.
• Duties have been assigned as per designation
• Attendance register
• Fee register
• Record of students
• Account register
• Dak receipt and dispatch file
SOP Of Dinning Hall
Standard Operating System Dinning Hall
• To ensure that all services to resident are coordinated so that they get the required care from service providers in the dining hall.
• To respond to the need and expectation of the residents and to enhance their satisfaction during hostel stay.
• It covers the persons who stay in S.N Hall and its annexes (PG/Moin /Nursing) related to their dining hall needs and attendance related issues
Responsibilities of the staff of Dining Hall
Role of Munshies:
• Keeping students and staff attendance record.
• Maintaining of student attendance records for food preparing.
• Keeping records of the attendance and leave of the Dining Hall staff.
• Overall supervision related hygiene and care/ maintenance of kitchen/Dining Hall.
Role of cook:
• Cooking food for students.
• Estimation of requirement of raw material according to student presently.
Role of Kitchen’s Helpers
• Cutting and washing vegetables
• Washing Rice/Daal/Meat Buffalo, Chicken & Mutton etc.
• Helping the cook.
• Washing big size utensils used for cooking food.
• Helping in cleaning the kitchen premises.
Role of Roti Maker
• To prepared poori, Roti, rumali roti, Tandoori roti ,Paratha and Bhatoora.
• To prepared dhow for Roti , Paratha and poori etc.
• Care of chapatti making machine.
• Washing the utensil for use of making roti.
Role of Bearers
• Serving food to student from counter.
• Cleaning Dining Hall Tables, Chairs and counter area.
• Dish washing.
• Cleaning of Dining Hall Refrigerator.
Role of soupier:
• Daily washing the floor of food preparation and service area.
• Clean the munshi room and dining hall.
• Clean the area adjoining the kitchen and staff toilets.
• Clean the dining hall, reading room and Hand washing Area.
Dining Hall timings for student:
01. Breakfast From 07:00 AM To 09:00 AM
02. Lunch From 01:00 PM To 03:00 PM
03. Dinner From 07:00 PM To 09:00 PM
Sunday- Breakfast Timing 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Friday- Lunch Timing 12:30 PM to 02:30 Pm
SOP of COVID Precautions
Standard Operating Procedure (Covid Precautions)
• To ensure safety of staff and residents of SN hall against the SARS CoV-2 virus infection
• It covers all the staff coming daily to hostel for their routine duties and residents of SN hall
• All the staff and residents of SN hall
• Vaccination of all the staff
• Hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed at required places.
• Record of temperature of staff and residents on entry into the hostel premises
• Staff and students have been instructed to maintain social distancing at all times
• Social distancing and minimal touch of common surfaces have been ensured in dining area
• Staff has been instructed to stay at home in case of fever or other related illness
• Training of gatekeepers, office and dining staff has been done regarding covid 19 precautions.
• Sweepers have been trained to ensure proper cleaning of washrooms and other common surfaces as per covid protocol
• Staff has been instructed to wear mask during duty hours and beyond.
• Posters have been pasted displaying all the required precautions at required places
• Temperature register
• Poster display
• Training
SOP of Sanitization
Standard Operating Procedure (Sanitization)
• To ensure proper sanitization services within the hostel premises
• To respond actively when and where sanitization is required
• It covers all the areas of hostel building particularly all the washrooms.
• Caretaker is responsible for duty roster of sweepers and providing material required.
• Caretaker is also responsible to ensure safety of sweepers doing the cleaning process, ie: provide heavy duty gloves and gum boots to carry out the cleaning task,
• Sweepers are required to perform adequate cleaning of washrooms, corridors and reception areas
• Section officer is responsible for weekly sanitization of all the surfaces by university health services.
• Washrooms are cleaned twice daily with detergent and water twice daily
• Cleaning of high touch surfaces is also done using water and detergent or 1% hypochlorite.
• Mopping of floors is done using phenyl or 1% hypochlorite twice daily.
• Disinfection spray and sanitization is carried out weekly by university health services.
Trouble shooting:
• University health services should be informed in case of any contamination of hostel building requiring disinfection in between.
• Duty register
• Attendance register
SOP Of Protocol for Covid positive case
Standard Operating Procedure(Protocol for Covid positive case)
• To ensure proper identification and isolation of covid positive case and channelization of management
• To contain spread of covid-19 after identification of index case
• It covers all the staff and residents of SN hall
• Gate staff is responsible for keeping record of temperature of residents and staff entering the hostel and report the authorities
• Resident wardens are responsible for monitoring of general well being of residents
• In case of any fever or illness, staff is instructed to get himself tested and stay at home till he becomes negative
• In case of fever and related illness among residents, they are instructed to isolate in room and sent for testing at VRDL, JNMC.
• If she turned out positive, contact tracing is done as per the definition of contact by MoHFW.
• Authorities (DSW and University Health officer) are informed about the illness of resident and her contacts
• Positive resident is then shifted to University health service.
• Contacts are sent for testing and isolation.
• Proper sanitization of floor, rooms and other contact places is performed.
• Record of the reports
• Register
• Record of sanitization.
SOP (Accommodation)
Standard Operating Procedure (Accommodation)
• To ensure that proper accommodation services are coordinated to students so that they get the required response from service providers in the hostel.
• To respond to the need and expectations of students and to ensure their satisfaction.
• It covers all the students who are offered accommodation in our hostel during their study period.
• Accommodation warden is responsible for overall smooth running of accommodation process
• Registration clerk is responsible for issuing of accommodation slips to students
• Registration clerk is also responsible for maintaining the record of student details and availability of rooms.
• Caretaker is responsible for providing students with hostel accessories.
As the student arrives, their names are checked in the list for accommodation.
• Students are required to submit their covid negative report.
• Report should be of ICMR approved laboratory and test should done within 72hrs of their arrival at hostel.
• In case student doesn’t have the negative report or reports are older than 72hours than students are instructed to undergo repeat test and are offered temporary accommodation in quarantine rooms.
• After wards, they are allotted rooms as per the protocol of hostel.
• There are twin sharing and triple sharing rooms available in the hostel.
• Accommodation is provided according to the seniority of students
• Wishes of students are also considered as per the availability of rooms.
• During the covid period, twin sharing rooms have been converted into single while triple sharing rooms into twin sharing.
Trouble shooting:
• In case of any incompatibility among roommates, re-allotment is done.
• Re-allotment can also be considered in case of any issues with physical condition of rooms.
• Student information register
• Room availability and allotment register
• Covid negative report register
• Attendance register