Sir Syed Hall (South)
SOP of Room Allotment

SOP of Office
Standard Operating Procedure of Office:
Constitute a committee consisting of three persons including the Provost.
Prepare the list of various items required for the department.
Make routine purchases through GEM.
Prepare the comparative statement of the rate of items, including terms and conditions mentioned by different firms.
Call a meeting of the purchase committee and place the comparative statement along with all relevant records before the committee send order for supply in the light of recommendations of the purchase committee.
Receive Work
The letters are received from various places.
Then the letters are entered in the received register.
Then the letters placed in front of the Head of the Department.
The Head of the Department marks the letters and assign/ mark related work to the concerned person.
Despatch Work
The letters are drafted after the correction of the Head of the Department for correspondence.
Then the letters are verified and signed by the HOD.
Then the despatch number is entered on the correspondence letter.
Then the letters are moved to the addressee after the signatures of HOD.
Then the letters are sent to the addressee via dak (internal) and via speed post (external).
To process the leave applications and maintain leave records of Non-Teaching Staff and Technical Staff.
The applications are verified and signed by the HOD.
Then the leave applications are despatched and forwarded to the Competent Authority for approval.
SOP of Handling Grievance
Standard Operating Procedure for Handling Grievance:
On receipt of complaint/ grievance, Grievance Committee shall segregate the complaint, discuss with the concerned committee and thereafter direct the said complaint to the respective committee;
Complaints of general nature shall be considered by this committee and resolved accordingly.
The concerned committee shall investigate the cases directed accordingly.
If required, a hearing with the complainant or clarification from the concerned may be taken.
The complainant shall be informed about the action taken by the committee.
If the complaint/ grievance is found invalid, the complaint and the person against whom the complaint is made will be informed accordingly and penal action may be taken.
The complaint, in any case, shall be resolved within one month from the date of filing the complaint.
If the complaint is of serious nature and cannot be handled at the departmental level, the committee shall refer the case to the competent authority (Proctor, AMU).
SOP of Dining Hall/ Kitchen
Standard Operating Procedure for Dining Hall/ Kitchen:
(a) Wash with normal water.
(b) Apply soap water.
(c) Rinse with hot water.
(d) Wipe out the rinsed crockery with a dry cloth.
(e) The crockery is to be properly wrapped and kept in cabinetries.
6. The Dining Tables should be properly cleaned.
7. Used plates should be properly kept.
8. The bearers are advised to be in proper hygienic uniform with face masks, head caps, and hand gloves.
SOP of General Hygiene and Cleanliness
Standard Operating Procedure General Hygiene and Cleanliness:
For rooms and corridors sweeping is to be done on daily basis and mopping is to be done on alternate days.
Toilets are to be cleaned (washing/ mopping with cleaning agent on daily basis.
Disinfectant spray in rooms is to be done on routine basis in consultation with MAS.
Fogging in the Hall premises is to be done on routine basis in consultation with MAS.
Proper spaces with dustbin to be marked for waste collection.
SOP of Reading Room
Standard Operating Procedure for Reading Room:
1. Requisition Process
(A) Recommendations for purchasing of Books are collected from the faculty members and students.
(B) Duplicate checking is done to avoid purchasing of duplicate books.
(C) Requisition of final list of Books sent to the Maulana Azad Library.
(D) After receipt of Books accessioning work is done in the Accession Register of the Reading Room.
2. Facilities and Services
(A) Reading Room offers various facilities to faculty members and students like lending service (issue and return), Access to computer, Internet and Wi-Fi and printout facility.
(B) The Reading Room maintains an Accession Register and also a record of Issuing the books as per norms/ rules of the Reading Room.
3. Computers
(a) Authorized access is being provided for using the computers.
(b) Regular Maintenance of the hardware of the computers.
(c) Maintenance of the networking and high-speed internet availability.
(d) Updating and checking overall working of the computers.
SOP of Common Room
Standard Operating Procedure for Common Room:
1. Facilities and Services
(A) The Common Room provides recreational and indoor games facilities (Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess, Watching TV)
(B) The Common Room maintains an entry/ exit register and also a vigilance on the playing items/electric/ electronics gadgets.
(A) The supporting staff is advised to check the gadgets/ items as and when needed and encourage the students for any misuse and in disciplinary activities.
(B) Recurring needs/ maintenance/ addition/ replacements of items are taken up in consultative meetings of Provost and Common Room representatives from students.
SOP of Gymnasium
Standard Operating Procedure for Gymnasium Room:
1. Facilities and Services
(A) The Gymnasium Provides recreational and indoor facilities (Treadmill, Heavy Weight Machines, cycling)
(B) The Gymnasium maintains an entry/ exit register and also a vigilance on the gym items/ electronics gadgets.
(C) The supporting staff is advised to check the gadgets/ items as and when needed and encourage the students for any misuse and in disciplinary activities.
(D) Recurring needs/ maintenance/ addition/ replacements of items are taken up in consultative meetings of Provost and Gymnasium Room representatives from students.
SOP of Hall Posts
Standard Operating Procedure for screening/ short listing the students for Hall Posts: