Sir Shah Sulaiman Hall
SOPs for Book Bank/Reading Room
SOP’s for Book Bank/Reading Room
• Resident student who wish to avail the facility of Book Bank / Reading Room, shows his identity card to the person concerned on duty.
• The staff enters his record in the register and supplies the desired books to the student mentioning this record in the register and keeping his ID proof for further action.
• When the student returns the book, he signs in the register against his entry mentioning the date and time. The staff after thorough checking of the books returns the students ID and keep the book in the catalog after proper cleansing.
SOPs for Room Allotment
SOP’s for Room Allotment of students
• Forms of allotted students given to the Proctor Office for clearance of conduct.
• These forms are then dispatched to Dean Student’s Welfare for hall allotment.
• Student along-with the forms reports to Provost’s Office for filling up the personal files.
• Concerned Provost along-with the wardens and the staff at the office allots the room to the student as per the availability.
• Differently Abled students given special treatment while allotting the rooms.
• Records maintained by the office.
SOPs for Visitors
SOP’s for visitors
• During the day hours any visitor wish to come to the hall of residence, reports at the entry gate.
• After proper entry in the register mentioning the reason, the visitor is allowed to enter the hall premises.
• While returning from the hall the visitor again signed the register against his previous entry specifying the date and time of leaving the hall.