
अंतर-अनुशासनिक नैनोटेक्नोलाजी केंद्र

Courses offered

Courses Offered


Program Name:  Ph.D

Specialization:  (Nanotechnology)

Number of Seats
: Vacancies are shown on the website of Controller of Exams

Post Graduate Programme

Programme Name:  Master of Technology in Nanotechnology

Number of Seats : 15

Eligibility Criteria :

Refer Guide to Admission

Jobs Prospects :

Research and Development in industry and academia. 



Programme Name :    Advance Post Graduate Diploma in Nanotechnology

Number of Seats : 10 

Eligibility Criteria :

Refer Guide to Admission

Jobs Prospects :

Research and Development in industry and academia. 


Program Educational Objectives (PEO's) and Program Outcomes (PO's)


Program Educational Objectives (PEO's):

PEO-1: To prepare students with sound theoretical and experimental knowledge in the   multidisciplinary field of nanotechnology.

PEO-2: To inculcate state-of-the–art skills in the students for producing various nanomaterials useful for energy, environment, medicine, agriculture and defense.

PEO-3: To encourage students to pursue research in this field and/or become entrepreneurs.

Program Outcomes (PO's):

  1. Ability to apply knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics to formulate and analyze nanotechnological problems and to develop nanomaterials.

  2. Ability to design and solve problems related to the needs of the society.

  3. Ability to use modern tools and techniques for solving the problems in emerging areas.

  4. Ability to identify and solve research problems in core and related multidisciplinary areas for rapidly changing technologically advancing society.

  5. Ability to develop effective written and oral communication skills.

  6. Ability to understand the ethical, professional and societal responsibilities.

  7. Ability to manage nanotechnological projects and problems effectively under practical and environmental constraints.

  8. Ability of independent thinking and lifelong learning.

Course Outcomes (COs)


Fundamentals of Nanotechnology

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      Understand the history, background and nature of nanoscience and nanotechnology as well as the                      quantum and nanosized scale effects on materials.

2.      Understand the ethical aspects of nanotechnology

3.      get acquainted with the relation between biological materials and nanotechnology

4.      acquire theoretical understanding of different types of carbon materials and its application in                             nanotechnology


   Quantum Mechanics

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      understand a working knowledge of the foundations, techniques and key results of quantum mechanics

2.      become aware of the necessity for quantum methods in the analysis of physical systems of atomic and           solid state physics

3.      Appreciate the applications of quantum mechanics in physics, engineering, and  related fields

4.      understand scientifically the new applications of quantum physics in computation

5.      gain advanced studies involving applications of quantum mechanics

Physics and Chemistry of Solids

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      analyze their experimental results in terms of structural, electrical properties and the effect of different              imperfections on them

2.      Apply core concepts in solids to solve engineering problems and possess the skills  and techniques                    necessary for modern materials engineering practice

3.      understand the professional and ethical responsibilities of a solid state physicist and engine

Elements of Physical Chemistry

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      understand the foundation of physical chemistry

2.      realizes the importance of thermodynamics which is the main gradient of this course in nanotechnology           and in fact in any technology.

3.      Apply the thermodynamic reasoning in the synthesis of nanomaterials



Synthesis and characterization of Nanomaterials

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      familiarise the student with various existing techniques used in nanotechnology

2.      understand the physical principles/concepts involved in fabrication of  the materials  at nano scale

3.      fabricate /synthesize the nano material in the laboratory

4.      characterize the prepared materials with different available technique




After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      understand the structure and  function of  basic biological entity

2.      get familiarized  with the biological  synthesis of Nanoparticles.

3.      designing nanoparticle-biomolecule hybrid systems for bioelectronics devices

4.      understand the idea of therapeutic application of nanoparticles and  nanodevices



Properties of Nanomaterials

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:


1.      understand the concept of various kinds of account different properties in terms of  variation of size of the            particles

2.      express their results in terms of quantum mechanical confinement which are occurring below certain size of          the particle

      3.       design and manipulate nanomaterials in terms of their particle size




After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      Nanocomposites and explore different aspects of their preparation techniques

2.      Discuss various properties of nanocomposites and study mechanical properties of super hard                           nanocomposites

3.      Design super hard nanocomposites

4.      Learn about preparation and characterization of polymer based nanocomposites


Nanosensors and Nanodevices

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      understand the basic concept of nanosensor, biosensor and biochip

2.      learn the characteristics and physical effects of nanosensor

3.      probe and understand various biological sensors

4.      learn and implement the knowledge in designing the nanosensor for various  applications


Carbon nanotubes and its functionalization

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      get comprehensive knowledge of carbon nanotubes, their  properties  and applications.

2.      understand various methods of synthesis and characterisation of carbon nanotubes

3.      understand the physics behind the  unusual properties  displayed by  carbon nanotubes

4.      understand the functionalization of carbon nanotubes with various inorganic functional groups


Molecular Nanoelectronics                                                                                                          

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      get the basic knowledge of molecular nanoelectronics used in future electronic industry

2.      have an idea of designing various nanoelectronic devices

3.      get familiarize with theory and applications of spintronics


Semiconductor nanostructure & nanoparticles

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      have the knowledge of semiconductors nanoparticles and their synthesis

2.      design an application of these nanoparticles in LED and solar cells

3.      learn the application strategies in semiconductor nanowires



MEMS and their applications

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      understand the concept of MEMS and its compatibility with microelectronics

2.      learn the techniques of material processing

3.      understand how to use these materials for sensing applications in high temperature and harsh                           environment




After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      explain the general working structure and different issues involved in various industries

2.      understand the Indian business laws

3.      acquire knowledge of nanotechnology entrepreneurship



Graphene and its applications

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      learn the methods of synthesis & characterisation of graphene and graphene oxide

2.      understand the physics behind the unusual properties displayed by graphene

3.      understand its application in graphene transistors, transparent conducting  electrodes, photo detectors,             light emitting diodes, photo voltaics, graphene sensors etc.


NTC-6900 Lab I

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      learn different tools of experimental setup like Four probe resistivity, Hall Effect, FTIR. etc.

2.      use these tools to enhance the knowledge for understanding nanomaterials in a fascinating way.

3.      present the performed experiment in form of reports


NTC-6910   Lab II

After completion of this course, students shall be able to:

1.      learn different tools of experimental setup like Resistivity by two probe method, Frequency dependence of          dielectric, Curie temperature of BaTiO3, etc.

2.      use these tools to enhance the knowledge for understanding nanomaterials in a fascinating way.

3.      present the performed experiment in form of reports


Director and Professor